What helps me to write a poem

  • HeavenzEyez
    20 years ago

    Whenever i feel like it i'll get my poetry book out and just sit there for ages (when i have the time that is) and write down all the ryming words i can think of and make list of all the words that rhyme with each other then when i start to write my poems if i ever get stick on words that i can't think of a rhyme for then i look in my book and get ideas, try it sometime it really does work? chearyo

  • HeavenzEyez
    20 years ago

    Yeh to me that poem does make sence, its really powerful to, does it really mean something to you or did u just get the idea to write a poem about that...

    I often find that i start to write a peom which means something to me then half way through it i start writing about things that don't really mean anything to me but goes with what i've already written, ever found that with yourself?

  • RainbowSlider
    18 years ago

    I like that idea. It makes a lot of sense especially when you need a word or words to finish the poem.

  • Brittney Follett
    18 years ago

    Songs help me write

  • RainbowSlider
    18 years ago

    They do me, too. I was really into this one song and I noticed when I heard it I wanted to write. Could poetry ever be a conditioned response? I mean say you listen to a lot of love songs and then write a bunch of love poems. Or say you listen to a lot sad songs and then start writing sad poetry.

  • Ed or Ian Henderson
    18 years ago

    I avoid music totally when I'm writing. Being inspired by a song invariably means I'm going to be giving more thought to that than my own creative process.

  • blueknight
    18 years ago

    all the things help me to write the one who made me strong and all the things that happen around me

  • Liza
    18 years ago

    Just thinking about everything that is involved in my life: boyfriend, family, friends, enemys, etc.

    Music really motivates me. I love the way some artists put there words together and it inspire me to tell my story in a different kind of way.

  • SaveMe?
    18 years ago

    some of you maytake this a cheating or something butit really helps
    its a rhyming dictionary
    you type in whatword you want something to rhyme with and then it comes up with all the rhyming words in the dictionary =]