Why do we need such weird body parts?

  • HansRik
    19 years ago

    1. Consider the flitum (the little quasi-cavity between your nose and your upper lip)... What is it for?

    2. The lines in your hand (considering you are not superstitious)... what is their pupose?

    Sure, Nature has developed an efficient structure and an evolutive coherence, according to most scientists, but I still find no use is these and other bodily characteristics.

  • Megann Lee
    19 years ago

    o.O Wouldn't you look funny withOUT those bodily characteristics though? I mean I think we would. I am glad I have lines in my hands. O.o

  • HansRik
    19 years ago

    I agree with you in that we would look weird without them, but what if none of us had ever been born with those characteristics? We would not feel we need them, and hence, we would look perfectly normal without them. I also like having the lines in my hand, but what purpose do they fulfil? Anyways, I think you get my point.

  • ღ*KiM*ღ
    19 years ago

    Yeah if no one was born wth them parts, you wouldn't know any different, therefore wouldn't look weird. Hmm I agree, those parts aren't used for anything. I think the lines in our hand are where our hands crease but other parts ... I don't know.

  • HansRik
    19 years ago

    Plus, some people with Down's syndrome and other deformities don't have these lines, bah, I don't know...

  • Megann Lee
    19 years ago

    *Imagines her hands with no lines*

    I GOT IT!!
    If we had no lines on are hands they would look really fake. Like plastic or something not real.

    I know weird but like plastic toys don't have lines in there hands, nor does barbie or other plastic things.

    I know stupid, but just think about it...

  • HansRik
    19 years ago

    Hmmm, peut-etre. What is the toy industry suddenly decided to put lines in their plastic dolls' hands? Would that make them less plastic? I do not think so. Nice thoughts though.

  • WakeboardxChick
    19 years ago

    If you look at the creases in your hands, its where you bend you hand. if we didnt have them it would mean we could bent our hands. then our hend wouldnt really have a purpose. accept to put bling on and stuff

  • Megann Lee
    19 years ago

    That's your head, not your hand. -.-

    Bleh, I agree to the above message. ^

  • muncheez
    19 years ago

    well, if nobody had lines on their handz, then they wouldn't look wierd, cuz noboby would have n-e