Poetry ratings?

  • gasping for air
    20 years ago

    I need you guys to rate my poem Passion, i love it, i think its one of my very best and i wanna see what everyone thinks about it! so please rate it and comment on what you think, please?

  • Emilia
    20 years ago

    Can't girls also rate it?


  • gasping for air
    20 years ago

    i didnt mean guys literally.... its just the way i type and talk... so the answer is yes.....

  • Emilia
    20 years ago

    ok.. then I will rate your poems..

    =) hugs =)

  • East Poetry
    20 years ago

    Ill check out your poems, just do me a favor and check out my new peomS Ive written aswell. thx

    That goes FOR EVERYONE.