This could be the very end .. but ...

  • nicole
    19 years ago

    How do you say goodbye to someone if you don't know if their coming back or not? im in love with this guy and he is really good at soccer so he travels a lot.

    But this time he is leaving and doesnt know if he's coming back or not. We were always best friends before i started to love him more than friends. We never made anything out of the love because he goes to different countries and stuff all the time.

    He's leaving in 2 days to go to England for at least 2 weeks.. but he might not be comming back, it all depends on the next 2 weeks.

    I dunno how to act or how to feel about anything. I am so happy for him that he has this oppertunity but it hurts to know that he is leaving again. Im used to him leaving but this time its too different, I'm so confused.

    If he stays there , he will get his stuff sent to him and only come home for like Christmas. How do i say goodbye not knowing if it could be the last time i ever see him?

  • Tiny Reader
    19 years ago

    Just don't get your hopes up. Tell yourself he isn't, and try to get used to that. If he does come back, it will feel even better. Just tell him you're happy for him and you'll miss him. Tell the truth and make the most of the time you have left.
    Sarah x