I am fairly new to P & Q and I have noticed the letters after people names but never thought twice about it. Until I recently saw on by my name and found out it was an award but im not sure what it means. Can somebody help me out? Please? It is a F
Thank you,
it just says bronze favorites awards more than 5 members. does that mean more than 5 people have added me to their favorite authors list? well duh what else would it mean. I didnt think any one would think i was any good.
awards clouds people's minds so beware! write for yourself and to share it don't write to get the awards. because if this makes any sence it's more rewarding for the reason why you write and not what award you got from a website. get my flow?
I agree with you in it clouding peoples mind. I only write for myself, I dont think i could write anything worth reading if i went about it any other way.
But it is nice to know other people enjoy what im writing.