19 years ago
I have this guy that i love very much, he has been my first EVERYTHING. we've been going together for a year off and on, and everytime we break up it's because of a different girl. we just recently broke up, but the thing is he wants to go back with me, i think it's becasue he wants to smash. i know for a fact that he's talking to other girls right now, and he told me that if we go back together he's going to continue talking to them, and if they find out that we go together he's just going to tell them that we don't. he says he loves me but i don't really believe him. but i still want to go back with him. should i? |
19 years ago
lol i cant even believe you are asking that question...i'm not trying to be rude or anything but if you asked yourself that question, what would you reply...i think no. nothings going to change and he doesnt seem like the "true" kind...there is nothing good about a cheater. hope you make the right least the smart one. :) |
19 years ago
of course you shouldn't... you'd only be going back to the same thing again. And letting him know he can do it all he wants and still have you there when he decides to come back. |