Help me...PLEASE!!!

  • Sean Allen
    20 years ago

    wow... um your parents sound slightly unbalanced to me... but that is just my personal opinion, no offense to your parents... oh gosh. well first thing you should do is definitely stop is suicide stuff. If he loves you, he definitely wont want you hurting yourself! I have no idea how reasonable your parents are, but it sounds like they are um, well not open to suggestions. So you can't really go to them and sit them down and talk to them like I would my parents. Does his parents know about any of this? Maybe a parent to parent thing would work. Or are his parents similar to yours? Sounds like quite a dilemma, maybe I can offer more suggestions if I knew a bit more about the entire situation?

  • Aken Sol
    20 years ago

    Even though i don't think you should be conducting sexual activities at 13, didn't they invade your privacy when they read your diary? Why don't you throw that at them because they are being so unfair
    Aken Sol

  • Just Val
    20 years ago

    Hey I totally can relate exact same thing happened when I was that age. Show them how much you care about him. My mom hated my boyfriend who I was terribly in love with when I was 13, he was 2 years older but that was not her was. She thought that is all he wanted from me, but she talked with both him and me, and saw that we did love each other, she saw how when she tried to take him away i missed him so much. In the end she let us have a relationship that lasted a few years. So I say keep trying, you know what I did at that age? It sounds a little corny but it worked, make up a kind of secret code or language and write in your diary and stuff in only that code and keep the meaning of the code completely hidden and even give a copy to a friend incase it gets lost it worked for me and it might work 4 u. :-)

  • krysten
    20 years ago

    hey you're only 13 and you have your whole life a head of you. Take it from some one who knows love isnt all it cracked up to be trust me you think you found the right person and really they only want one thing. if you really believe its meant to be then maybe it is or learn the hard way but don't let anyone talk you out of your decision.its your life and you have to make your own mistakes and live with them. If you have any doubts at all then its not meant to be and by posting this it seems you have doubts and that may mean its not meant to be.

  • SuNsHiNe02
    20 years ago

    You should fight for your love

  • TC
    20 years ago

    hmm just one thing, where is he at all this? cuz I see and have read of you fightin against your parents and how you wanna be with him, but what about him, is he fightin against his parents? or if his parents are ok why cant he make them talk to your parents ... is he helpin you at all ? just sayin 'I want to be with you' doesnt really help cuz it looks like in your situation if you sit and do nothin... nothin will happen