21 years ago
Hi Britt, Quan, and whoever else is still chating in here. lol. |
21 years ago
Ok i'll be a little more specific, quan here is an exchange student whos been studing in aus for the last 5 months. staying at my house using the net to talk to his family and friends at this hour since its mid afternoon or evening where he lives. during stressful times of year i don't sleep too much, so you can usually find me awake almost 24/7. Anways i accidentally wrote my comment using his account, so he tried correcting it with the previous post. Hope the fix everything up, its too early to be thinking. :( lol |
21 years ago
Hi there brittany, no more more smart a** comments from me :( lol. |
21 years ago
Hi there brittany, nothing much changed since i wrote last time, everything still exactly the same. lol. i read the quiz thing in your profile. nice near death experience. lol |
21 years ago
Ok a little bout me. Um i'm 19 male, and live in Australia (but u know that already) I'm viet, i speak viet fluently, i can also speak a bit of catonese, and currently studying some japenese for my holiday after the exams. I am a university student studying computer systems, and software engineer. As for jobs i'm currently working in hospitality, but trying to get in to retail. Um uni's pretty much my life at the moment, too much work involved to garentee my pass. But that be over soon. :D Can't wait! >. |
21 years ago
bored...bored bored...bored bored...bored bored...bored bored...bored bored...bored bored...bored bored...bored bored...bored bored...bored bored...bored bored...bored bored...bored bored...bored bored...bored y is life so nice ppl of p-a-q....poems-and-quotes 4 those who didnt get PPL IM TELLING U 2 EMAIL ME!!!...i am in need of new friends lol...tuff_tati@hotmailcom...hope 2 hear frum u all soon! \m/(^_-)\m/ rawk on n peace out |
21 years ago
Hi Quan, nice poem :o). lol. You make it sound like someone's a cry baby :'(. lol very nice lyrics/rhymes. i like it. thank you for writing it. Keep it up. |
21 years ago
:( i think i was called a girl in one of my poems comment. Gees that was so hurtful. Like i understand someone saying my work is bad, and s*** and stuff under that line. I sometimes say that about a few of my work. But a GIRL... that hit the spot. Though i don't actually think the writer of the comment, knew i was a guy. So i guess i have to forgive them. lol. and please don't anyone dare say whats wrong with being a girl. lol |
21 years ago
First of all, Hi again Brittany, Well since i'm going to very very busy trying to answer your quiz. I guess i wont be doing to much on this website tonight. |
21 years ago
Hiya Brittany, i'm back. lol. Well i finally finished that quiz. :D. and I'm off to send it now. Just wondering which email you prefer, the Yahoo or the hotmail? Well I'm sending to the hotmail. lol |
21 years ago
Hey Brittany. I'm good like always. Hope you enjoy the quiz and yes long quiz, but you'll be there longer reading it. lol. |
21 years ago
Hey Brittany, lol, yes it would be much better to talk through an instant messenger. Hum, i use ICQ, and msn only. i used to use yahoo but i hated that for some reason. |
21 years ago
Hey Brittany, I got a question. Do you or don't you have a boyfriend? You said in your quiz that you like winters and scary movies, cause if gives you an excuse to hug/snuggle with your boyfriend. But you also say you never really been in love, and you have this thing where you push guys away (if i remember correctly). And i know you don't what anyone to ask, but where'd you get BB. lol |
21 years ago
Hi Jackie, yep in a very different time zone. lol, But its only just past noon, where I’m at. lol I'm glad you liked it I wrote it about 3 in the morning. lol And especially for the comment, so there absolutely no copyright on it, so feel free to steal it everyone. lol. Just remember if you steal it your name might need to start with K and whoever it’s for start with J. lol. |
21 years ago
Hey Brittany, Have you finished your project yet. I need entertainment ;o), lol. so bored. Josh is scaring me with his whole supremacy thing. :o( lol. The way this is going, I think i rather speak with telemarketers over him :o|. As for Jackie I wrote her a poem that's actually really bad and it doesn't flow too god. not to forget no one's is ever going to comment on or vote on except her. Then theres Quan, who's busy with unknown reasons, and Chanel who wont even drop by to say hi, *SNOB*. j/k lol. So bored. YEP. ttyl |
21 years ago
Ok now that i've had a long sleep, how is everyone? good i hope. lol But if you must know whats going on with me, well i'm just bored but i'm leaving to Japan this sunday, so i'm all thrilled about that. I apologise for acting all weird, i'm a strange guy. :P. Anyways hope to talk to you all soon. |