~*~Interested In Conversation~*~

  • Jen
    21 years ago

    Is there room for another person?! I think writing poetry is a great way of releasing strong emotion. It's become my way of coping with my depression and is probably the reason I don't cut myself so much anymore. Do you guys write to get rid of pain?!
    Jen x

  • Jen
    21 years ago

    Man, i wish one of my poems would make top 5!!!! I love writing as a way of releasing my pain, that is why i do it but to be recognised as being good at what i do ould be so much more special! its just not going to happen for me though! well done u guys!

  • Jen
    21 years ago

    hey thanks brittany!!!

  • AI
    21 years ago

    Hi Britt, Quan, and whoever else is still chating in here. lol.

    Brittany I must send my congrats on making it into the school year book staff. The libarians did that at my school, so students were never involved. Closest thing i've been to that would be drawing comics for the school newspaper. lol. well ttyl

    Hey Quan, i had a look at your poem "My phobia of love' when i saw the title i thought you had philiophobia or somthing like that. lol I guess its a good thing you don't, you'll be missing out alot. ;o). Or maybe not. love can go either way if you ask me.

    Love (luv) v. giving someone the ability to destroy you, and hoping like all hell that they wont. - Unknown author

    anyways sorry i've been so inactive for so long, i've been busy with exams revision, they start this comming monday (10) so theres no point studying any more. Where i live thats tomorrow. :(, i'm sure you're not that far behind just a few hours.

    Well gtg, bye bye. hope to chat soon.

  • tati
    21 years ago

    helo ppl...im bored....lol...as usual....email meh at tuff_tati@hotmail.com...im lookin 4 sum new friends....im only 13 and im a girl..so email meh if u like my poems or just wanna chat...XXX byaz XXX ^_-

  • AI
    21 years ago

    Ok i'll be a little more specific, quan here is an exchange student whos been studing in aus for the last 5 months. staying at my house using the net to talk to his family and friends at this hour since its mid afternoon or evening where he lives. during stressful times of year i don't sleep too much, so you can usually find me awake almost 24/7. Anways i accidentally wrote my comment using his account, so he tried correcting it with the previous post. Hope the fix everything up, its too early to be thinking. :( lol

  • AI
    21 years ago

    Hi there Brittany, i take this as a sign of boredom. lol.

  • AI
    21 years ago

    Opps sorry :(

    Hi there AaronB, i take this as a sign of boredom. lol.

    *just incase you prefered this name more. lol

  • AI
    21 years ago

    Hi there brittany, no more more smart a** comments from me :( lol.

    Anyways, how's life, school, and work (thats if you work). Well... in general hows are you? Me? I'm great, now that i'm halfway through my exams, and thank G** they weren't as hard as last semester :D. One more week and its all holidays, parties, and the usual late nights and sleep ins :D. >.< I can't wait.

    Other stuff in my life... um... still nothing... I think... um... let me think... ow yeah. I found out I'm going to japan this break. They better all speak english, cause I can't jap. lol ow well I'm sure I can take a 2 week crash course or something. lol

    Ow yeah with the emailing you at Sw33t_Th4nG_01@yahoo.com, I don't think I'll be doing that. I'm sure you get flooded with emails everyday. lol. I won't build up your work load. You seem busy as it is. lol

    Well there's always time for smart comments. But thats about it from me.

    Take care

    AI- Anonymous Indefinitely

    *ps. don't work too hard, you'll start to get wrinkles and grays. lol (i wonder if that's true)

  • AI
    21 years ago

    I don't think i'm going to get used to this AaronB thing Brittany :(.

  • AI
    21 years ago

    Hi there brittany, nothing much changed since i wrote last time, everything still exactly the same. lol. i read the quiz thing in your profile. nice near death experience. lol

    Anyway, i wish you the best of luck in your job. may i ask what type of job it is? ow yeah why i'm on the topic of luck, i wish you the best of luck in your exams too.

    My life still great, and after 2 more exams, it can only get better. assuming nothing goes wrong. lol (gees that makes me sound stupid. lol)

    well. ttyl. bye bye. must sleep now.

    *forgive me for any spelling or grammatic errors, so tired the characters on the screen are bleeding into each other. need sleep. lol

  • AI
    21 years ago

    Ok a little bout me. Um i'm 19 male, and live in Australia (but u know that already) I'm viet, i speak viet fluently, i can also speak a bit of catonese, and currently studying some japenese for my holiday after the exams. I am a university student studying computer systems, and software engineer. As for jobs i'm currently working in hospitality, but trying to get in to retail. Um uni's pretty much my life at the moment, too much work involved to garentee my pass. But that be over soon. :D Can't wait! >.

  • AI
    21 years ago

    why does that always happen to me :@. hehehe, use msn to much lol. the rest of my previous message was something like this. lol

    Can't wait! >.

  • AI
    21 years ago

    grrr ok, im taking >­. does something. lol.

    well i'm to lazy to try to re-write it again, lol.
    just ask me if you want to know something else.

    AI- Anonymous Indefinitely

  • tati
    21 years ago

    bored...bored bored...bored bored...bored bored...bored bored...bored bored...bored bored...bored bored...bored bored...bored bored...bored bored...bored bored...bored bored...bored bored...bored bored...bored bored...bored....lol y is life so BOOOOORING....lol...helo nice ppl of p-a-q....poems-and-quotes 4 those who didnt get it...lol....YO PPL IM TELLING U 2 EMAIL ME!!!...i am in need of new friends lol...tuff_tati@hotmailcom...hope 2 hear frum u all soon! \m/(^_-)\m/ rawk on n peace out

  • AI
    21 years ago

    Hi there Tat!, i take this as a sign of boredom. lol.

  • AI
    21 years ago

    Hi Quan, nice poem :o). lol. You make it sound like someone's a cry baby :'(. lol very nice lyrics/rhymes. i like it. thank you for writing it. Keep it up.

    Hi there Brittany, don't want to know anything else *-), ok by me :|. lol. Hope you enjoyed the banquet. Have FUN :o).

    Hey Chanel, nice sentence u say hi to everyone :D, but only talk to Britt :0. Grab all of our attentions just to leave the rest of us feeling unwanted and left out :(. lol

    Hi Tat!, i take it your not going to talk much in here :.( just want people to email you, right? Well can't help you there, I'm not an email person :S. lol

    Well That about it 8-). Hope all of you enjoy your day, evening, night, sleep, whatever your doing right now ;o).

    AI- Anonymous Indefinitely

    *i need to change that name to something shorter. lol

  • AI
    21 years ago

    Hi Chanel, Thank you for saying hi, much better now. lol. :D

    And i might just do that actually. sign my names as AI.

    Well cya

    (>'')> AI

  • AI
    21 years ago

    Hi Brittany, I PM-ed u. lol. must be in a happy mood today. hope u get all right. the whole message not just half of it lol. This website against me i tell you. Its all a conspiracy.

  • AI
    21 years ago

    :( i think i was called a girl in one of my poems comment. Gees that was so hurtful. Like i understand someone saying my work is bad, and s*** and stuff under that line. I sometimes say that about a few of my work. But a GIRL... that hit the spot. Though i don't actually think the writer of the comment, knew i was a guy. So i guess i have to forgive them. lol. and please don't anyone dare say whats wrong with being a girl. lol


    *This is how i am when all the pressures in life begin fade away. very weird. lol

  • AI
    21 years ago

    First of all, Hi again Brittany, Well since i'm going to very very busy trying to answer your quiz. I guess i wont be doing to much on this website tonight.

    Anyway i might just do what you suggested. lol. Email my picture to them. jk lol. you never know when advice is good or bad, unless you listen to it. ;).

    And Jackie... well i'll be busy tonight with Brittany's long quiz lol. So i can't check out your work tonight. but i'll be sure to do so when i'm done.

    Well thats enough from me, goodbye everyone ;)


  • AI
    21 years ago

    Hiya Brittany, i'm back. lol. Well i finally finished that quiz. :D. and I'm off to send it now. Just wondering which email you prefer, the Yahoo or the hotmail? Well I'm sending to the hotmail. lol

    Hi again Jakie, like Brittany already said, I'm 19. Not sure if that makes me a Man. lol, but at least you don't think I'm a girl. So thats good to hear. lol Um Thank you for commenting on '(Hate poem) To you bloody haters' It means a lot to me. I'm from Australia and have no idea where Cap Cod, MA is. lol. I also took a look at your poem 'to my daughter', and that was great, very well done. I tried to do somthing like that a while back but just not smart enough to use every letter of the alphebet. lol As for posting more poems, It's more that I don't plan to post anymore. It not I definitely wont be. So as long as you don't have any expectation for more of my work all will be good.

    And Josh, does that mean it alright for me to call you a girl from now on? lol.


  • AI
    21 years ago

    Hey Josh, well a simple, no... its not ok would have been a good reply. but if you insist and want to just ignore everytime I call you a girl. I can go with that too i guess. lol. But don't worry, i'm not a mean guy i wouldn't call you a girl anyway. lol

  • AI
    21 years ago

    Ha ha

  • AI
    21 years ago

    nah its your computer, mine does that sometimes when i'm downloading. It just doesn't load the background, click refresh should be all better.

  • AI
    21 years ago

    Hey Brittany. I'm good like always. Hope you enjoy the quiz and yes long quiz, but you'll be there longer reading it. lol.

    How are things now? Friends, family, they're all good? well lets hope so anyway.

    I ran out out of things to say. So i'll go now. Want anything else, don't be afraid to ask. ;o)


  • AI
    21 years ago

    You really thing i'm a smart azz do ya? lol

    Do u eavesdrop on other peoples convos, why don't you call someone and play music into the phone, lol.


  • AI
    21 years ago

    Hey Brittany, lol, yes it would be much better to talk through an instant messenger. Hum, i use ICQ, and msn only. i used to use yahoo but i hated that for some reason.

    Um just keep in mind the only reason why i'm awake at this hour lately is because I majorly messed up my sleeping patterns during my exams revision. lol And now that i'm in school holidays, there no point trying to change it back. I rather be wake all night and sleep all day. I love night. (that and its summer where I'm at so the days are longer, and if i sleep during the day, i get a longer sleep). lol

    my ICQ number is i think lol 253229844, Well i never used icq to chat before, so i don't know how it works :S. Maybe i am a cave man. Sound like I've been living under a rock all my life.


    Hi Jackie, spelling your name correct this time I hope. Gold coast is pretty cool place to go, I've been there a few times myself. lol And Congradulations. Hope the wedding is of your dreams, and the marriage is a properous and happy one.

    And about reading your poems it was no problem, they were great, and good to read. Given the time I'll read them all. Well all except the sads one, i find that most sad poems are about death and loss, and they bring back painful memories. You know what I mean.

    Anyway, take care all, Time i go to sleep i think.


  • AI
    21 years ago

    Hey Brittany, I got a question. Do you or don't you have a boyfriend? You said in your quiz that you like winters and scary movies, cause if gives you an excuse to hug/snuggle with your boyfriend. But you also say you never really been in love, and you have this thing where you push guys away (if i remember correctly). And i know you don't what anyone to ask, but where'd you get BB. lol

    Jackie, Hi. lol. from one week of no one reading your work to hogging top 5, lol. Told you, you had talent. Anyway. I should go read that mom poem, no one made a comment yet.

    And just to answer your questions. Its been closed to 9 months since she dies now. How did she die? Her parents wont tell anyone. All I know is she was born with a weak heart, and a few months before she died it was acting up. All the test and stuff at the hospital was family members only, and after her death her mum thought it was best that her daughter (my girlfriends older sister) and I don't know. So I really don't know the exact cause of death. Just she was sick then she died. Um and I think the last question was if I believed in heaven? The answer is no I don't. Alot of people think thats weird, I'm catholic and don't believe in heaven. But no I don't believe.

    Hey Quan, When you going home? Should be soon now, right? Just remember you might want to buy some presents for the family. lol. And christmas is comming soon, so you're going to have to buy another set of presents too. lol

    Chanel, hello. How are things? i'm good. I know you don't usually say anything but I don't want to make you feel left out. Anyway, talk to you later. lol haven't written it like that for so long.

    Josh, *ignores hims for being mean* lol


  • AI
    21 years ago

    Hey Britt, one more thing, What's so good about having a 13 year old brother? Do you see something i don't?

  • AI
    21 years ago

    Hey Jackie, thank you for the congrats.


    *i ran out of things to talk about. lol

  • AI
    21 years ago

    Hey Brittany your thing has rubbed on to me, lol I remember what i wanted to say after I
    press post answer.

    Anyway, just wanted to say, nice chatting to you yesterday and hope to talk to you soon. lol


    *If i forgot anything. um, i'm sure i'll remember it at later time.

  • AI
    21 years ago

    Hey Brittany, thats alright. I understand perfectly. lol

    *I really ran out of things to talk about. lol

  • AI
    21 years ago

    Favor, what favor??? :S

  • AI
    21 years ago

    So you want me to read them, vote and comment do ya? humm, i'll think about that. lol.

  • AI
    21 years ago

    lol, cool, i get lucky 7. lol, but what are the other 9 commandments. anyway, they're your commandments not mine, why should i follow them.

  • AI
    21 years ago

    I still want to know the other 9. Anyway why do you want me to read them so much. Do you honestly think my novice opinion is going to quench whatever thirst you have. Like you read Lord Byron work, I never even heard of him before.

  • AI
    21 years ago

    Hi Jackie, yep in a very different time zone. lol, But its only just past noon, where I’m at. lol I'm glad you liked it I wrote it about 3 in the morning. lol And especially for the comment, so there absolutely no copyright on it, so feel free to steal it everyone. lol. Just remember if you steal it your name might need to start with K and whoever it’s for start with J. lol.

    * Also I did as you requested and posted it. lol.

  • AI
    21 years ago

    Hey Brittany, Have you finished your project yet. I need entertainment ;o), lol. so bored. Josh is scaring me with his whole supremacy thing. :o( lol. The way this is going, I think i rather speak with telemarketers over him :o|. As for Jackie I wrote her a poem that's actually really bad and it doesn't flow too god. not to forget no one's is ever going to comment on or vote on except her. Then theres Quan, who's busy with unknown reasons, and Chanel who wont even drop by to say hi, *SNOB*. j/k lol. So bored. YEP. ttyl


    *This is what happens when i'm bored and got nothing to talk about. I start to act like Josh, really weird. (no offence) lol

  • AI
    21 years ago

    Ok now that i've had a long sleep, how is everyone? good i hope. lol But if you must know whats going on with me, well i'm just bored but i'm leaving to Japan this sunday, so i'm all thrilled about that. I apologise for acting all weird, i'm a strange guy. :P. Anyways hope to talk to you all soon.
