~*~Interested In Conversation~*~

  • AI
    21 years ago

    Hey Brittany, something i kind of forgot. Hows the job going, got any replies. lol, i'm still bored. Think i'll go watch a movie. I hate school holidays :( nothing to do in the morning. *sighs*


  • AI
    21 years ago

    A holiday, i finished Uni for the year, and I don't start till march next year. I can't see myself lying around the house for 3 months, Its also going to be a good escape, get rid all the tension and pressure thats built up all year. I need the down time, especially after the exams.


  • AI
    21 years ago

    Um, nope I don't speak their language; I’m trying to learn it now as we speak. lol, And I’m not going with anyone (all Alone). no one I know can afford tickets. lol, I used to go on these Christmas holidays with my gf (made a habit of it), but that’s alright. My brother and I used to host Japanese exchange students so I’m going to stay with some of them and move around. Hopefully their English has improved heaps so I got my self a translator. lol. I'm a pretty fast and self sufficient learner, plus with an dictionary in my hand I’m sure I can get around. lol. Well if I stop posting comments on these forums, then you'll know I got lost.


  • AI
    21 years ago

    Yes let's pretend shall we... I'm sure AI isn't an animal sound :S. But since we're on the topic... what sound does a chicken make? that has always troubled me. lol

  • AI
    21 years ago

    Twinkle Twinkle little star,
    How i wonder what you are.
    Up above the world so high,
    Like a diamond in the sky.
    Twinkle, twinkle, little star,
    How I wonder what you are!

    Just incase you people wanted to know, this is my faveroute kids rhyme. LOL. Um theres alot more verses but i'm sure you don't want to know them. LOL

  • AI
    21 years ago

    hmmm, BuhGAWK... never heard that one before. Anyway i'm sure no one wants to animal noises anymore, so lets move on shall we.

    By the way every body bye bye, today is Saturday, tomorrow at 3am i'm going to the airport and well bye, well this is incase i never see an U.S keyboard for the next 3 months. lol

  • AI
    21 years ago

    Hey Brittany you've gone awfully quiet... is something wrong? HOWS YOUR JOB GOING... LOL.

    Hey, Josh are you still writing that happu poem, I'm looking forward to reading so you better be. lol

    Jackie, i hope you're working on a new poem. I think i read all your poems. Hold on let me check. Um just got 'a habit to get high' and 'Reconsider left'. so don't leave me in the dark. lol

  • AI
    21 years ago

    happy* LOL

  • AI
    21 years ago

    By the way Josh forgive me for my ignorance, lol, but what is 'CEMCS'. :S

  • Blah Blah Black sheep
    21 years ago

    Hey Brittney and Chanel and all the members.....
    I'm new around here....and i wrote a couple o poems...
    ~metamorphos|s~ and ~torn~.....
    Hope u ppl vote fur me.....
    And what's new around here????

  • Blah Blah Black sheep
    21 years ago

    though metamorphosis is ma favourite......

  • Blah Blah Black sheep
    21 years ago

    Hey do ppl get so manyyy votes???? =|

  • Blah Blah Black sheep
    21 years ago

    And brittany...umm that Daddy's victim poem.....ummm..did that really happen???
    I mean if it did im sooo sorry.......

  • Blah Blah Black sheep
    21 years ago

    you're right about that one brittany!
    But you know i often do wonder why do these things happen???I mean why would a parent,someone who gave you birth, someone whose blood runs in our veins, do something like that??something that horrible??
    Evryday i hear of these things happening...but WHY?

  • Blah Blah Black sheep
    21 years ago

    So you found something common with Abi did ya Josh??hehe
    Well i've got something common with you too Abi....I'm also 15!

  • Ashley
    21 years ago

    sup ya'll?! jus wanted to say hi...felt like talkin alot tonight so i'm actually typing! haha so how ya'll doin?! good i hope. I hope ya'll have a happy thanksgiving and be safe with wherever you all sha'll go. I won't be having much fun just sittin here at me casa. well i just wanted to say hi to everyone and i hope ya'll get back to me later sometime. much love alwayz *Ashley*

  • AI
    21 years ago

    Hey I’m back temporarily. Lol how is everyone; I’m having a really good time :o). Besides not knowing my way around and not being able to read anything everything is good. I’m in a public library right now, I’ve never seen a non-English operating system before is really weird. Oh not to forget the hundreds of vending machines around each corner, that’s too strange for me. Anyway enough about me. Lol

    Hey Brittany, correct me if I’m wrong but isn’t thanksgiving just an American holiday. So that would mean me being an Australian and currently on vacation in Japan wouldn’t be celebrating it. Lol that’s assuming it’s a holiday. Well I don’t know too much if anything about it, just what I was told and that it’s a day you give thanks, lol, spend time with the family, and there is a turkey involved. Lol. And like Quan says ‘but I could be wrong’. lol. Well hope you have a happy thanksgiving if it hasn’t already passed. Lol

    Jackie, Jackie, Jackie… or should I say YikYak, YikYak, YikYak. Lol. You trying to give me the slip are you? Changing your name without prior warning. Lol you’ve gone and made my ‘Jackie’s request’ poem obsolete. :( Anyways. How thing been? Any new poems, um I’ll check… nope. Lol oh. I might as well ask. How did you get the name YikYak, does that actually have a meaning? Lol. Well since I’m also not sure what to say I’ll leave it at that.

    Josh, um……………… I liked you ‘suicidal thoughts’ poem I gave it a 5. lol. Oh and I liked you abortion thread too, it was good for a little laugh. That’s enough talking to you. Lol

    Abi welcome to the site. Faaez welcome to the community. I’ll check out both your poems when I have more time. Ashley I’ve read most of your poems. I’m not sure if I voted or commented. But oh well.

    Hum this has gone a little quiet. :( well that all from me. I’ll drop by again in a week or two.


  • Blah Blah Black sheep
    21 years ago

    Hey thanx AI fur the welcome.....i sure do hope i can be gud member o the community.LOL :P
    Anywayz.....whats new around here guys??

    Hey Josh....If u get the time,start another interestin thread cuz ur abortion one was quite a success.Lol :)....hope to see ya back soon....


  • Lisa Reed
    21 years ago

    Hi everyone hows things? hope your all keeping well.

  • Lisa Reed
    21 years ago

    hi Brittany hope your keeping okay...and i dont celebrate thanksgiving lol im from Ireland...oh well lol

  • Blah Blah Black sheep
    21 years ago

    Hey LOL...ur right Quan...Evry1 IS more talkative now...
    Anyhow....hows evrybody around here??
    Hey YikYak...you seemed quite irritated in that new thread you started..LOL anyway...
    Quan i read your poems too man...They were just gr8....and to have TWO o your poems in the top 5..that must be something gr8!!

    And hey Brittany you seem to be quite busy these days dont you??

    And AI and Josh...Hope you're havin the time o your lives..hehe...

    Anyway guys i uploaded another poem.."sacrilege"..Hope u read it.....
    ANy way have a nice time evrybody!!

  • Lisa Reed
    21 years ago

    Quan i dont think thats a good idea..............IM KIDDING........listen you feel free to go ahead it only took me about 5 mins to write it so i guess it needs work lol......Anyway hope your keeping well.take care

  • Lisa Reed
    21 years ago

    Oooops forgot i hope the rest of you all are too. take care.

  • tati
    21 years ago

    Hey everybody...im bored as usual an wanna talk oh btw HAPPY TURKEY DAY TO ALL! lol...hope all u americans stuff your faces with that good food...im all the way in portugal but still am american so im gonna hav sum yummy turkey, n mashed potatoes wid gravy..mmmmm^_-. ..lol...hey ppl if you dont mind could you check out my poems...ino its a bore but id like comments ^_^...everyone hav a nice day or night or w.e it is where you are!! tat! \m/(^_-)\m/

  • tati
    21 years ago

    yes it WAS turkey day...i feel bad 4 the turkeys thou...there i answered ur question :P...peace up n rawk on \m/(^_-)\m/

  • Blah Blah Black sheep
    21 years ago

    Well 'lo evrybody!!

    Hey Quan,at the age of 5,those poems were kewl!!LOL!

    And well as for drunken poets....well there were quite a lot of drunken poets in the history....Mirza Ghalib of india for instance??

    And Hey jackie...was it in the state of drunkeness that you voted for my poems???LoL any way...I re-posted it....
    So all you guys who have already commented and voted for my "sacrilege"...plz do it again....And hey Hosh quan and jackie and all others tahnx for votin fur it...but i'lkl be really obliged if you do it again....LOl....neway buh-bye!!

  • Val Weaver
    21 years ago

    Hey! im val...u are reallynice...i hope u had a good thanksgiving too!! xoxo

  • Blah Blah Black sheep
    21 years ago

    Hi all!!

    Well evrybody...i came to tell ya that ive got my examz and probably wont be able to check in as frequently as i do :-(
    Really guys....I'll miss talkin to ya all a LOT!!
    and i hope that i'll be missed by u :P LOL!!
    anyway....I hope i'll be back soon...AND HEY DO PRAY FUR ME!!
    ok then me gotta go......

    Love ya all!

  • AI
    21 years ago

    Holy cow, Quan. lol. What the hell have they been feeding you? You've been overly energetic on every comment I read from you today. I took a look that 'gift to who thing' that was a smarter idea. lol.

    Anyway what you all been up to? I thought I drop by to apologise first to Brittany. lol, I'm sorry Brittany for upsetting you. And also to Jackie too. I read about your drunken poet thing up there, and now I know why I don't understand poems such a november returns, they were drunk when they wrote it. lol. ok I'll be serious. Jackie I stuffed up your new poem. I put not 1 but 2 really messed up comments on there. I'm so sorry.

    Well i gtg. Really sorry you two. BYE n take care.

  • Blah Blah Black sheep
    21 years ago

    Quan.....that wuz KEWL!!!lol
    and hey i just took a break frum studyin an checked out...somehow...somehow.....my "metamorphosis" was in the sad poems' top 5!

  • tati
    21 years ago

    Quan Chi...thank you so much....4 responding....do u always hav so much attitude wit ppl?....lol im jp....wassup everyone im bored as usual :P

  • Blah Blah Black sheep
    21 years ago

    Lolz brittany...thanx fur the compliment.....
    anyway.....about that poem of mine..lol....some obligingly courteous person voted a 1 or something so from a perfect 5,its down to a sucking 4.3 so it isnt in the top 5 anymore :)....
    as for my i ideas...hmmm...i dunno....they just COME....and its starnge but u know i cant write a poem on a pc...the ideas just dun come until i have a pen in my hand....so first i write on a paper and then on the pc....

    ANd Jackie...hanx fur askin how i was...but u know im quite pissed off at the moment... firstly cuz of my examz looming on my head and secondly...u know what happened wiff ma poem...lol

    Anyway...guys have fun!

    By the way quan...whassup?

  • Jen
    21 years ago

    hey brittany if ur still on line do u mind takin a look at my latest few poems i always appreciate ur criticism! thanks! jen x

  • Lisa Reed
    21 years ago


  • Lisa Reed
    21 years ago

    okay how is everyone tonight then?

  • Lisa Reed
    21 years ago

    Quan whats wriong with ya tonight? Yoiu semm agitated. Or am i reading you wrong?

  • Lisa Reed
    21 years ago

    Oh my god i cant believe my spelling went out the window in that reply lmao. Sorry

  • Lisa Reed
    21 years ago

    My email is lisareed0@hotmail.com feel free to send me loadsa emails lol im bored tonight.

  • Lisa Reed
    21 years ago

    Well am i an average poem writer lol.

  • Lisa Reed
    21 years ago

    Not bad Brittany thanks ...just been busy...my mum has been really ill. What about things with you?