21 years ago
A holiday, i finished Uni for the year, and I don't start till march next year. I can't see myself lying around the house for 3 months, Its also going to be a good escape, get rid all the tension and pressure thats built up all year. I need the down time, especially after the exams. |
21 years ago
Um, nope I don't speak their language; I’m trying to learn it now as we speak. lol, And I’m not going with anyone (all Alone). no one I know can afford tickets. lol, I used to go on these Christmas holidays with my gf (made a habit of it), but that’s alright. My brother and I used to host Japanese exchange students so I’m going to stay with some of them and move around. Hopefully their English has improved heaps so I got my self a translator. lol. I'm a pretty fast and self sufficient learner, plus with an dictionary in my hand I’m sure I can get around. lol. Well if I stop posting comments on these forums, then you'll know I got lost. |
21 years ago
Twinkle Twinkle little star, |
21 years ago
hmmm, BuhGAWK... never heard that one before. Anyway i'm sure no one wants to animal noises anymore, so lets move on shall we. |
21 years ago
Hey Brittany you've gone awfully quiet... is something wrong? HOWS YOUR JOB GOING... LOL. |
Blah Blah Black sheep
21 years ago
Hey Brittney and Chanel and all the members..... |
Blah Blah Black sheep
21 years ago
though metamorphosis is ma favourite...... |
Blah Blah Black sheep
21 years ago
Hey do ppl get so manyyy votes???? =| |
Blah Blah Black sheep
21 years ago
And brittany...umm that Daddy's victim poem.....ummm..did that really happen??? |
Blah Blah Black sheep
21 years ago
you're right about that one brittany! |
Blah Blah Black sheep
21 years ago
So you found something common with Abi did ya Josh??hehe |
21 years ago
sup ya'll?! jus wanted to say hi...felt like talkin alot tonight so i'm actually typing! haha so how ya'll doin?! good i hope. I hope ya'll have a happy thanksgiving and be safe with wherever you all sha'll go. I won't be having much fun just sittin here at me casa. well i just wanted to say hi to everyone and i hope ya'll get back to me later sometime. much love alwayz *Ashley* |
21 years ago
Hey I’m back temporarily. Lol how is everyone; I’m having a really good time :o). Besides not knowing my way around and not being able to read anything everything is good. I’m in a public library right now, I’ve never seen a non-English operating system before is really weird. Oh not to forget the hundreds of vending machines around each corner, that’s too strange for me. Anyway enough about me. Lol |
Blah Blah Black sheep
21 years ago
Hey thanx AI fur the welcome.....i sure do hope i can be gud member o the community.LOL :P |
Blah Blah Black sheep
21 years ago
Hey LOL...ur right Quan...Evry1 IS more talkative now... |
21 years ago
Hey bored as usual an wanna talk oh btw HAPPY TURKEY DAY TO ALL! lol...hope all u americans stuff your faces with that good all the way in portugal but still am american so im gonna hav sum yummy turkey, n mashed potatoes wid gravy..mmmmm^_-. ppl if you dont mind could you check out my poems...ino its a bore but id like comments ^_^...everyone hav a nice day or night or w.e it is where you are!! tat! \m/(^_-)\m/ |
Blah Blah Black sheep
21 years ago
Well 'lo evrybody!! |
Val Weaver
21 years ago
Hey! im val...u are reallynice...i hope u had a good thanksgiving too!! xoxo |
Blah Blah Black sheep
21 years ago
Hi all!! |
21 years ago
Holy cow, Quan. lol. What the hell have they been feeding you? You've been overly energetic on every comment I read from you today. I took a look that 'gift to who thing' that was a smarter idea. lol. |
Blah Blah Black sheep
21 years ago
8| |
Blah Blah Black sheep
21 years ago
Lolz brittany...thanx fur the compliment..... |