~*~Interested In Conversation~*~

  • Lisa Reed
    21 years ago

    my email is lisareed0@hotmail.com or you can put me on yahoo if you like lovecherish12000@yahoo.co.uk

  • AI
    21 years ago


    Hey Brittany, thankyou, thankyou, thankyou, thankyou, thankyou, thankyou, thankyou, thankyou, Thank you so much for all the comments, especially on my depression poem. As I wrote in the comment. I've always felt that it was my worst poem, and it could be improved so much, and well I've never got any positive feedback from it, so I've always felt bad about it. Anyway I've been longing to improve it. But like I also mentioned, How is says "Death is the Answer" down the left side, it was probably the hardest of all my poems to write. And with a message like that, it wasn't something I wanted to indorse. Anyway your positive comment meant so much to me, I was sitting there earlier trying to improve it. So the poem can live up to the comment and well now it has an even worst message. lol. But with a longer phrase, I got it a little more flow, and made it make sence. So thank you so much for that comment, and the uplifting inspiration. Thank you again.

    YikYak you commented on it too and said it was probably as hard as the a-z poem. I'm not sure if you remember when we first talked and I commented on 3 of your poems in a single answer. I mentioned that I tried to write an a-z poem but the task was too difficult for me. Well thats was true. But when I was attempting it I noticed I kept getting stuck on certain letters so what I decided to do instead was use words that don't contain those letters. Well I found single words were too easy, but when I moved on to phrases it was just as difficult as the a-z poem. And like I said the depression poem was the hardest of my poems to write, so when I finished it, I basically gave up hope to ever write something like that again. That was until you came along with your 'To my daughter poem' and showed me that it was possible. Which by the way is such an awesome poem and if you guys haven't read it you should and if you don't shame on you. lol. That was my inspiration to write my a-z poem and as silly as it may be, i've actually very proud of it :D. So thank you for that too.

    btw. that does mean my depression is longer. lol, so if you got the time, you should check it out. Though strangely this time, it was so easy to write. lol

    *how strange from apologising to thanking. LOL

  • Blah Blah Black sheep
    21 years ago

    HELLLLLLOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!evry1......blah blah blah and BLAH!

    anywayz.......well quan how DARE you make such an allegation against me?????when did i say you wrote child's poem!!

    and hey jackie.....well im quiet cuz....firrst o all i have my examz in the next week(DAMN!)....and secondly....well i think my cable operator has kinda stuck something up THERE...the speed is so sucky that i think hes sharing a 56k connection with all the users!and this post kinda takes around 10 mins to load!!!

    And hey...why not start a "interested in convo"part II????????

    *by the way jackie as you said...ive gone quiet....my addy is xterminator101@msn.com

  • Blah Blah Black sheep
    21 years ago

    and.....ummm..thanx brittany for liking rhyming poems...as you called themmm......
    but perhaps ppl around here don't....cuz my "metamorphosis"...wnen it went on the no.1 at sad poems,at 13 votes it was 5.0,at 16 4.3,at 21,4.2....i mean what the HELL??its quite long and it RHYMES and i think it has MEANING.....ok it might be bad...but 4.2??
    anyway.....next time i'll think thrice...no...a hundred times before posting a poem....hehe

    ANyway.......well i said a Part II thread in my previous post cuz i think this one's gettin quite long!how about it guys?and by the way brittany did you know that this post you started is by far the most successful one on this site???

    ANyway guys..........shud go an study...buh-bye!!

    yours ,
    Faaez(pissed off at tha moment)

  • AI
    21 years ago

    Where has everyone vanished off too :(.
    Its so quiet in here. so very quiet.
    Josh is leaving, Faaez got exams, i read something about him quitting aswell (not sure what he's quitting though).
    Lisa I don't really know, but she called me an Idiot, well Quan did really, and Jackie agreed. :(
    Chanel never talks to me :(, and theres only you now Brittany. whats your excuse? Ow yeah you got exams too, I'm all alone then. :'(

    Well since no one's talking I won't either :(. cya