graduation blues...

  • samara.jr
    19 years ago

    hello...i'm hannah from philippines... hopefully i'll be graduating on march but then as early as now, i'm having views of me parting from my friends coz i'll be living with my lola in the city... it's eating me up coz me and my bestfriend are inseparable...can you please help me ease my misery... thanks...

  • Lydia O
    19 years ago

    It’s normal to feel resistant to major changes in our lives. And it’s also is natural to have some feelings of distress over the fond memories and friendships that are often left behind at the end of school years. Graduation is always a bittersweet event. But you can still share the friendships with your close friends in spite of distances.

    On the brighter side, graduation is also be a time of challenge, a time for new opportunities and new frontiers to be forged ahead in our lives.

  • samara.jr
    19 years ago

    thanks... really i feel like a child having those silly thoughts.. well, we'll really prove that indeed distance makes the friendship go fonder.. i believe even how far we are from each other, we'll be bestfriends forever... thanks again...

  • alwaysremeniceus
    19 years ago

    well... i can tell u that they work... me and my guy bestfrd hardlie get to see eachother in rl...
    he'll be graduating and leaving soon for university in june... so i guess i kinda know how u feel??

    we've been keeping a friendship from a distance.. even wen we get to see each other in rl for a while now...
    and well... he's my bf too.. i dunno wut im gonna do wen he has to leave...