
  • Aken Sol
    20 years ago

    I'll be your wise sage if you want me to :-)
    does your friend know about your dad's surgery? One thing i've found out over the years is that it's easier to deal with these types of situations when there is someone there with you to comfort and be held by. Like a shoulder to cry on type of thing. NOw you and this girl obviously care about one and another and relationships are suppose to stick together, through good AND bad times. I hope the surgery for your dad goes fine. Remember, you're a knight, so i'm sure you can hyandle these. Just remember to breath. Best of luck
    Aken Sol

  • Lexi Lou
    20 years ago

    ask her about her opinon first. ask if she needs o be your first proiroty or if she is fine for the time being just having you. she can help you through this so dont push her away. good luck 2 yur dad!
    lexi lou