Good or Bad?

  • Steven Beesley
    19 years ago

    I do not want to sit in judgement, but as you asked for comments, here are my two cents (just my opinions).

    You broke the biggest no, no, the greatest taboo and your act broke whatever trust and friendship that had been built up. It is quite simple, try role play and put yourself in your best friend's shoes and you have the answer. I think she gave up on you.

    I really don't think your friend could ever forgive or forget. I think you just have to live with the mistake, learn and move on.

  • *Vendetta*
    19 years ago

    Everyone can forgive, it's the forgetting part your frined will have trouble with. Maybe bieng friends with you will cause her too much pain. She has obviously moved on and you shoud do the same.

  • Georgi
    19 years ago

    dont give up on her completely, let her know u still care about her, and that u have said sorry for ur mistake and u arent going to say it more than once. She mustnt feel like she has u under her spell or summit, so u gotta break free from tht by saying tht uve sed sorry once and u really meant it, and its now up to her to forgive you.

    I am not going to lie to you, you did a bloody horrible thing. it took me and my best friend over a year to sort out our problems, and im glad we did, cause id be lost without her, so just think carefully about it k? If u dont want to lose her, let her no u still want to be her friend, but dont expect too much too fast, because if she cant forgive you, then u cant do anything about it

  • Georgi
    19 years ago

