poetry contest- Pathetic Fallacy

  • ♥•oOo Nikki oOo•♥©
    19 years ago

    *Tackling You* Hey Friend! I Was Browsing The Contest And Stumbled Upon Yours...It Sounds Cool(Well I Guess Its Because It Ends Before My B-day) :) I Plan On Entering BTW:Deep Title Hun xoxo-Nikki-xoxo

  • EoB
    19 years ago

    I would have joined in, had I only known what pathetic fallacy means

  • EoB
    19 years ago


  • HansRik
    19 years ago

    Pathetic fallacy has several connotations. The most accepted one is that of attributing human senses to natural inanimate objects, e.g. the climate is terrible, so you feel depressed, etc. Other connotations have gone out of use. I would have attempted a poem for this contest, but nay, university essays call me.

  • Avrii Monrielle
    19 years ago

    I rant about this all the time :) it's a good opportunity. OK, I got a couple minutes.

    Falling, Falling, Gone
    by Just Rain

    The world as we knew it
    Was not expensive
    Was not hard
    The world used to be okay
    At one point

    I can remember when I was little
    I could always run and play
    I'd beat all the boys

    I remember I didn't have to worry
    About middle school, high school, college
    Nope, I just would go to the same school
    Year after year
    I'd have the same old friends
    The same old talks
    And yet it would never get boring

    I remember so much
    But I'm getting so out of touch
    Everything around me is ripping out memories
    Distant, forbidden thoughts
    Nowadays they're called
    Long ago
    We didn't even know

    We didn't know
    When the world would fall and crumble
    If our friends would move away
    If our lives were just lies
    We didn't know about these complicated choices
    To let someone be saved or let them die
    We didn't have to race the clock
    Or worry about not having as much joy

    Today I find myself
    In a world
    Where nothing
    And everything
    Will help
    And now the world I used to know
    Is fading far away
    Into that long distance
    I just see a little dot
    That's it

    The trees have been removed
    The fires have released
    The wind has died forever
    The water no longer means peace
    The sky is filled with poison
    From our "new" human world
    Where no one cares about what's around us
    Except those "tree huggers" that can't be heard
    If I happen to care about what's around me
    And it's new demise
    I've become a tree hugger
    In everyone's eyes

    In this world we're full of labels
    I don't want to live up to
    And what ever is a hard task
    It's not what I want to do

    Ever wonder why
    There's not a lot to choose to be?
    It's because it's not a game
    Lords and ladies, this is reality

    I don't care what you say
    In this pathetic fallacy
    It -is- pathetic
    And it's falling
    It is not what I need
    I don't really want to live
    In such a cruel world like this
    But I live on and you live on
    Thinking it's just another twist

    If you are just even a very
    Little bit like me
    Then you yourself will always
    Have a fake reality
    I do too
    It's called imagination
    It's the place
    Where I hide in
    Because the world we know is falling
    The world we know is nothing
    Compared to our dreams
    In this grey paper mache
    Nothing's what it seems
    So leave it alone
    And let it go
    It is not what we need
    Hence pathetic fallacy

  • Syn
    19 years ago

    I was always there for you.
    Why are you never here?
    I loved you with all my heart,
    I wanted to keep you near.

    We had to break up,
    I dont know why,
    i guess you had some fears,
    But i think it was the Pathetic Fallacy you whispered in my ear.

  • EoB
    19 years ago

    I would have entered, but I still do not fully now what it is you want me to write

  • EoB
    19 years ago

    And so shall it indeed remain, if thy beauty keeps blinding me as it now does, SweetEnigma...=)


    (finished the collab-thing yet?-)

  • EoB
    19 years ago


    Btw...Am I not wanted in CC&P?


  • Avrii Monrielle
    19 years ago


  • EoB
    19 years ago

    A Murder of Swans

    T´was a silent morning
    in the early days of May.
    No stain upon the land I walked
    was seen in light of day.

    Before my feet a stream there flowed
    and it befell me strange.
    No memory of its course had I;
    this land, I though, had changed.

    No sound upon its shore was heard,
    The Silence felt profound.
    Down I knelt, and whispered then
    "Why maketh thee no sound?"

    Its course was steep, through dale and glen,
    `cross fields of green and lawns.
    The river, though, stayed still, and said:
    "I murdered all the Swans"

    A murmur rose up from its course,
    and it began to cry.
    A shadow passed upon its banks.
    "They should be on the sky"

    "Too close to me their beauty were,
    thus blinding me with grace.
    I begged them please to seek the sky
    for everyone to gaze."

    Within itself it drew a face
    of sorrow and of grief.
    For it did know that it had sinned
    and would never find relief.

    I never have found sense in this,
    and doubt I ever will.
    The river, though, cares not for such
    and remains in silence still.

    This is a hopeless attempt.

  • Avrii Monrielle
    19 years ago

    one day *cough* yay!!!!!!!

  • Avrii Monrielle
    19 years ago

    PLEASE SAY THAT MINE FITS THE GUIDELINES! lol -_0 i get so nervous ( i just reread the definition)

  • Avrii Monrielle
    19 years ago

    Okay, thanks :)