is it bad that i still like the guy that broke my heart???

  • *~luv ya~*
    19 years ago

    u see me and this guy from my class went out like amont ago sure it was only 12 days but it still meant alot 2 me since i had liked him for 6 months before we started goin out. he told me he loved me that we would be goin out for longer than a year and all this other crap. we were keepin it a secret but i told like my best friend then i told someone else which it ended up that all the girls in my class found out(theres only 11 of us 17 total in my class) which i told one wrong person cause then she told someone who told to of the boys in my class. so u kno it was sweetest day so i walked 2 his house to give him his card and candy i got him. he gave me a rose. then i walked 2 my friends house who lives down the street. like 15 people were there. we all walked down 2 my boyfriends well now ex-boyfriends house. he pulled me aside and told me that he was "presured" into liking me but how he still wanted to be friends. of course i was heartbroken and my friends were all really mad at him. we ended up having a bon fire at my friends house were i burn some of the pettles of the rose he gave me the rest was in front of his house. i cried most of the way to my friends house and a little bit there. my exboyfriend wouldnt talk to me for a little bit after that finally i started askin him questins like why he broke up with me? he said that the boys from my class were makin fun of him sayin that i was the only girl he would ever get cause lets just say he isnt the most popular kid. he also told me a different day that he just didnt want 2 go out with me anymore. i didnt kno what 2 believe anymore and he was makin me feel like crap. he still really doesnt talk 2 me but i still like him alot well not alot but enough to were i still want 2 go out with him. is that bad?sorry this is so long please help.

  • La La
    19 years ago

    well, who cares if it is or isnt..its how you feel & nobody can tell you what u feel is bad or good because its HOW U FEEL...u cant help that.

  • shes a killer
    19 years ago

    its not bad to feel what you feel. i broke my boyfriends heart 3 times before he finally ened it and i was heart broken but i still love him. you can't help it and shouldn' time you will sort it out and figure out how you really feel.

  • Becky
    19 years ago

    its not bad at all, its natural, i beleive if you liked someone once you can always like them again

    i feel the same way about my ex and the story is almost the same, his friends pressured him into breaking up with me , and now cuz of them he won't talk to me , but i can tel he still liesk me adn blah blah blah this is suposed to be about you lol,

    its ok to feel this way, specially if you liked him for a while ebfore you went out , it snatural don't worry about it

    im ehre if you wanan talk you can e-mail me or im me my contact info is in ym profile

    lots of love