What makes us ...

  • Michael D Nalley
    18 years ago

    Perception of a constant truth has always been varible, especially to humans.
    The rising and setting of the sun is an illusion produced by the revolving earth

  • Michael D Nalley
    18 years ago

    ‘Elizabeth: you trust a book written 2,000 years ago by some anonymous person? A book that is actually pretty inaccurate? Okay’

    I don’t think that there are archaeologist that believe the books of the bible were written by a single person. The bible covers many centuries of history. How is the gospel according to Luke anonymous?

  • Kevin
    18 years ago

    Interesting answer Micheal.

    I believe that truth has a different ring to it when someone speaks the truth...it's almost like without using words that are special in any way, what they say or write has extra power because you know exactly what they mean instantly.

    You feel this for the bible, and i do not.

    So we all have our own truth and perception of it. So there are no absolute truths and it is a mistake for anyone to presume that everyone in the world should live by one set of rules.

    Hence the bible is only for certain kinds of people. And i am not one of them.

  • Michael D Nalley
    18 years ago

    True the bible is not much use to those whom are certain that their life ends with their last breath
    They say the difference between a prayer meeting and a AA meeting is that a prayer meeting might be a group of people praying not to go to hell. Most of the folks in an AA meeting feel they have been to hell and are praying not to go back.
    Objective research shows the bible to be the most widely accepted inspired word of God.
    I cannot truthfully say that we can view God from only one angle.
    You and I know we cannot seek absolution from each other
    May the force be with you

  • Kevin
    18 years ago

    I can grant you absolution Micheal, if a priest can then I can...: )

    As a matter of fact, i think i may know better than most of those who believe in God, that life does not end with physical death, and still the bible is not much use to me. Go figure.

    Had a whole heap of Outer Body Experiences, some of them involving witnessing real life events many miles away from where my body lay, and on 3 seperate occasions i had the events confirmed detail for detail...so i know a thing or two about the spirit and it's lack of dependance on the human body.

    I know how psycho that sounds, Outer Body stuff and such....i guess from many people it might have to be taken on faith that i'm not making it up...aw well..back to the original pionts then.

  • Michael D Nalley
    18 years ago

    Give me the doctor who can view a patient from the inside-spiritually, emotionally, psychologically and physically-and I'll have faith in his ability to heal me.

  • ness
    18 years ago

    what makes us human is our individuality.

    EMotions feelings, thoughts, opinions. No person is exactly the same, no person feels the same, is created the same.

    Humans have tremendous compassion but also great evil. We are dangerous and can hurt our same species for no reason that is ever good enough. But we can also love and comfort.

    We have so many different aspects which make us truly unique.

  • Michael D Nalley
    18 years ago

    There is a supernatural, a natural, and an unnatural when man tries to separate himself from any of these it changes his destiny, which do you believe to be more healthy?

  • lee
    18 years ago

    our brains. everything we feel, think, and want...its all in our brain. without that, there'd me no point in living. if your brain got damaged to the point where you couldn't think anymore...like you'd be a vegatable, then there'd be no point of you. you could never live a full life, you wouldn't even know what's going on. well...some do. but yeah, it's the brain that makes us human. love, jealousy, hate. its all in the brain.