guy on im

  • heather
    20 years ago

    hey guys i blocked this person but i have to vent. well this guy i wus talking to wus asking weird ?'s like if i wus a virgin, my bra size, and when i changed the subject he sed if u can talk like the adults then dont talk to me. so i blocked him. i am scared i mean my e mail. well please help me. luv heather xoxoxo hugs

  • ~* Joyful *~
    20 years ago

    Dont worry too much about him because if you have blocked him he cant talk to you. You get alot of guys like that who only care about sex and have a very twisted mind.. dont worry bout it too much okay?

  • Sean Allen
    20 years ago

    wow that sounds pretty scary. Make sure there isn't any other way he can contact you, e.g. don't have too many places where your e-mail addy and other stuff is laying around. being a girl sounds a lot more difficult than being a guy...

  • heather
    20 years ago

    yea thanks guys. I will make sure there isnt. g2g heather