Should I do it??

  • Timothy Bledsoe
    19 years ago

    Unless you're Bill Gates, you're never financially ready to have a baby. It is a big decision. Age is a factor, if you are younger, you have time. School, if you want to go to school, Having a baby at the same time you start probably isn't the best idea. Though you can have a baby while in school, starting both at the same time is iffy. I say follow your heart. If it doesn't feel like the right time, than wait until it does. If your heart tells you to, and you don't have a very good reason not to, Why not?

    Don't know if I helped or not.

  • Lydia O
    19 years ago

    You can ALWAYS find reasons NOT to have kids. such as school, career, finances, etc. There is never a perfect time. And even if you have some well thought out long range plans in place, life has a way of bringing changes we never expect. There are some risks that go along with every serious decision in life.

    When I turned 21 I already had 2 kids. A couple years later I lost my husband. Thngs were really tough for a while but I will never regret the decision to have kids when I did. I would never have had the same chance if we had planned on waiting until things were more ideally suited.

  • k i k i
    19 years ago

    There will always be reasons why you don't want children whether that be career, money or time. You just have to talk it through together and get each others perspectives.
    You should start saving a little bit extra in case you do decide to have another child. They need so much when they are young, so just live the special moments with your little one at the moment, and I'm sure your partner will understand your reasons.