Sick of Plagiarisers

  • N J Thornton
    19 years ago

    Thanks Ann Marie for suspending the plagairiser...I guess this post isn't needed anymore.

    In case anyone wants to know what happened here someone was caught stealing a poem...but everything has being dealt with now, thanks to Ann Marie.

  • EoB
    19 years ago

    Beyond Pathetic, my dear Ismail. Way beyond.

  • Jacklyn
    19 years ago

    i don't find it funny, just sad makes me angry too because it's so stupid


  • EoB
    19 years ago

    Angelina: I believe I asked the exact question a few months ago...

    a simple coincidence?

    I think not

    You are stalking me, woman=)

  • EoB
    19 years ago

    and thus shall thou ever entitle me henceforth

    19 years ago

    i was really angry when someone stole my poems and put them as their own.. but in a way i was flattered coz someone liked them enough to wanna steal but really i dunno why people do it.. its truly pointless!!

  • N J Thornton
    19 years ago

    Thanks for the feedback. Yes it is pathetic and I suppose it could be a compliment to Tara's talent.
    I've had poem's of mine coppied and I didn't see it as a compliment at all, actually more of an insult. That's why I thought it was important this case was made public.

    Oh and I've just checked back to see if the poem has been deleted...and it hadn't. But what was deleted was my comment I'd previously left on the poem saying I knew the poem wasn't his, and the link to the original. So now I've left another comment just so if anyone else reads it, they know the truth.
    Go check the poem out for yourself, the plagairiser needs to be told. So far I seem to be the only one that has confronted Poody about this. Surely I'm not the only one who cares about the awful situation.


  • PnQ Mod Account
    19 years ago

    the poem actually HAS been deleted... but as long as you have that link to it, you will be able to see it. Get rid of the link and there is no way to find it. It wont be in that person's list and if you find and report one more that they plagiarized, their account will be suspended

    (edited after checking to make SURE it was gone)

    I don't know what happened, I thought it had been deleted yesterday, but when I looked, it was still there, so I reported it again and deleted it and now the account actually has been suspended.. go figure.

    (But still, if you follow thatlink above to Poody's posting of the poem, it will look like it's still erase the link)

  • PnQ Mod Account
    19 years ago

    LOL, see above... I edited my post :)

  • PnQ Mod Account
    19 years ago

    me either. Was the title the same? I can't remember what it was from yesterday. Sometimes, it does seem like there is a "hiccup" in the system and things that got done get undone.

    But whatever the case may be, it's gone now.

  • N J Thornton
    19 years ago

    Thanks Ann Marie!

    When I went to see if the poem was still there I typed Poody in the search, went to his profile page, and that's how I found the poem. I won't look at the link again.
    I'm glad to hear something has been done about this. I didn't realise he'd being so pathetic as to post it again. Thanks again for dealing with this...plagairisers need to be stopped. Unfortunatly there are a lot on this site but I'm sure if we keep working together like this, we can stop the majority.
    Take care,
