Basic suggestions.

  • BeautifulDisaster
    19 years ago

    Actions Speaks louder than words:)

  • firexflys
    19 years ago

    words are just as imporent as actions. yes actions "shows" it but words explain it. i think you need both to make it work not one or the other.

  • Brian King
    19 years ago

    words can mean something completely opposite than what one may think

  • Lydia O
    19 years ago

    Back on topic:

    This was one of the 5 promises we made to each other when our relationship became exclusive.

    "That we will never let a day go by without expressing our love and commitment to each other. Every day we will each try do at least one thing to make the other feel special."

    Most of the time this amounts to just a short emailed note but sometimes it is the little things that really mean a lot.