18 years ago
Lately I've been crazy & posting a lot on does my
crush like me and so on. Well truth is I'm not gonna
know until he tells me. All of you here posting does
he or she still love me so on are the same way too.
Nobody, ESPECIALLY a stranger online can tell you
what somebody feels. Yes there are hints a guy likes
you and were all free to share here, but we cannot tell
you for a fact.
I have began this forum so that all of us here can post our tips about hints that guys and girls give out. Not to answer any questions just to make more of us aware about the "signs".
So post your tips and advice for the whole "Does He Like Me" Issue :)
Signs He Likes You (Maybe):
(Depends on what type of a guy he is)
2. IF HE ALWAYS LOOKS AWAY WHEN YOU LOOK AT HIM. (Means he is scared to look at you cause' he might blush or just simply scared)
3. IF HE STOPS LAUGHING OR TEASING SOMEBODY WHEN YOU SAY STOP! (If he hears you that means he wants you to like him and not think he's a jerk so he might stop, if he is a jerky type before its a sign if he is always like that than ignore this one)
4. IF HE TRIES TO IMPRESS YOU (If a guy is trying to look "cool" or shoving other guys places when YOU'RE around than he could definetly be trying to impress you)
5. IF HE TRIES AVOIDING SITTING CLOSE TO YOU (Now most people would consider avoiding a sign he DOESENT like you, but sometimes shy type of guys avoid you cause they dont want to look stupid when they're around you, some guys get scared and mess up or embarass themselves when around you, so dont take avoiding as a bad sign.)
Well those were some I have :) Get Postin!