The Love That Got Away

  • supaflyhonkyguy
    18 years ago

    My love is in my site,
    but shes on another arm
    His Name is Steve, Aka Mr. Stud.
    I see them snuggling.
    Cuddling the way me and my love once cuddled.
    So warm and secure it made me feel.
    all he wants is to get a cheap feel
    He flashes his devilishly innocent look, hinting the way I once did.
    She won't though, they just met, she's not like that, she still loves me
    His Sexual expression makes her laugh, makes her smile.
    She then returns the expression.......she wouldnt, she won't
    She then closes her eyes and leans in slowly.
    "Noooo......" I quietly whisper
    My heart literally was ripped apart the very second their lips met.
    I watch in silent horror as the kissing intensifies.
    All I can hear is the slobbery smacking and gentle moans.
    I quickly become enraged.
    "Those Are my lips to kiss"
    What I'd give to have to strength to look away.
    I'd give anything......
    I could feel my blood boiling
    My insides screaming for life
    My body weeps as my love is slipping away....right before my eyes
    What I'd give to proclaim my love once more to tell her how badly I need her in my life.
    I just can't take it no more!!!
    I stand up tall
    I stand up strong
    I scream at the top of my lungs
    "I love You!!!"
    but it was too late, she was already gone

  • supaflyhonkyguy
    18 years ago

    its not really a poem so i decided to put it here