quote gone wrong....

  • Jo Maria
    18 years ago

    ok,.. since i cant comment on a quote, i'll paste the quote and comment here

    Jump on every chance in life as you will regret the ones you didn't
    But for the chances you took but when wrong atleast you can say you tried but you can never regret them for taking that chance.
    by Louise

    ok, im sorry and im not trying to be a b*tch, but this quote is very incorrect. yes, you will most likeli regret not taking a chance that comes along for you to take,.. but then again its actually very possible that you COULD regret taking that chance,.. trust me, been there done that and im sure there are many other instances that people have regretted taking the chance that they took.

  • Chelsey
    18 years ago

    alright I don't even think that made sense to me but I understood what she meant and I agree with you..most definatly..there are many times people regret chances...jobs, children, and I could go on...good call...you are far from being bitchy...just expressing your opinion

  • Steven Beesley
    18 years ago

    Here is another one:

    "Life is full of quotes, take each with a pinch of salt."

  • ShadowDancer
    18 years ago

    now thats a meaningful quote


  • ShatteredAngel
    18 years ago

    Joanna, the quote you suggest to means that you are far more likely to regret something you didn't do, rather than you did do. At least that way, you know how things turned out.. Rather than always wonder what if.

    ShatteredAngel xxx