• Lindsay
    18 years ago

    i feel that way all the time.. when i am angry things will just pop out of my head but when i just feel like sitting down and writing some down it seems i cant piece anything together

  • Matthew A.
    18 years ago

    That always happenes to me but I just think over something stupid and pointless.

    18 years ago

    I get it pretty often. Here's a writing exercise you can try, it helps me quite a bit. Just sit down with a pen and paper and start writing continually for an undetermined amount of time. Don't think about what your writing just let your hand go. I usually stop writing after I've filled up a couple of sheets of paper. Then go back and compose a poem out of what you've written. You'll really be surprised at what lies in your subconscious! Hope it helps.
    Good luck~Holly

  • Bill Turner
    18 years ago

    When I get it, I put on some Pink Floyd, turn out the lights, breath deeply and let my mind wander....I get a ton of fragmented thoughts and ideas......but, they slowly come around to something powerful I can write about. The last time I had it, I wrote about it. Called it Writers Block....it is fragmented and strange at the beginning, but it gave way to some great poems when I was done.

  • Riffy
    18 years ago

    I get writers block kinda often, but that's never stopped me writing. I just get a pen and piece of paper and put down things that come into my head. I don't think about what I'm writing. I end up with random words, but that helps me structure a poem. Try it...it totally works.

  • ShatteredAngel
    18 years ago

    I had Writer's Block for months.. Mainly because I used to write whenever I was down and it would just stop all of the feelings.. And I don't know lol. But they would just come out and I wouldn't have to think and it just flowed..

    I've written a few poems lately.. But for me they just lack feeling for some reason. My heart isn't in it I guess.

    To overcome Writer's Block I just sit down and try to write a sentence about something I'd like to write about, or just a sentence that has been floating around in my mind. In the end it turns out completely different. My latest poem for example, I was going to write about how I can't write poems.. But it turned into a poem about someone dying lol.

    I always find inspiration comes at the weirdest times though. I'll just be watching the TV or walking or having a shower.. And the best little lines will come to me, but of course I forget them. Grr. Lol.

    ShatteredAngel xxx

  • shantay
    18 years ago

    i have that almost everyday of my life..,., its the worst.,., all of my poems are like that

  • BrokenMisery
    18 years ago

    ok, try this.

    1. Get a title that moves you, something meaningful and that if you were looking at it, would want to read. Try flicking through newspaper titles for phrases or just jot every idea out of your mind and pick your favourite.

    2. Ask yourself questions about your title. eg. if your title was 'heading home'
    why are you heading home? What is going to be at home when you get there? How are you getting home? Why were you away?

    3. write a whole lot of words that relate eg.
    Road, travel, distance, memory, love, family, difficult, time, meeting

    and words that are the opposite:
    Still, finding sadness etc.

    Then write your ideas together to a chosen structure.

  • Laci
    18 years ago

    1.You can read other poems, that's usually inspiring.
    2.Draw a picture, you don't have to be Rembrant, just draw something.
    3. Most importantly, do not be conservative or critical at all. Even in your first draft if you write something crappy that you know you'd never be satisfied with, just write anyway. Do not let that little voice in your head influence you. Be divergent in your thinking. Remember, in order to get good ideas, get lots of ideas.
    4. Music may help
    5. Give yourself some "me" time
    6. Pick a subject, and list all of the words that remind you of that subject. For example: If you pick the subject "cheese" you might think of Switzerland, or mouse, or rope, or roll, or bread, or anything. Again, don't be critical AT ALL!!!!!

    I hope I could help and good luck. :)

  • Italian Stallion
    18 years ago


  • Stephanie
    17 years ago

    I feel at times when I have Writer's block to just sit back and let my feelings come out.