Broken up by his Mom

  • Truest Lies
    18 years ago

    What's wrong with a freshman and a senior dating?
    I think that both your mothers should clear up their facts.
    Of course, if he's WAY older than you, then maybe it's for the best, but remember that some people who get married have over fourteen years difference, take my parents, for example, and they still love each other...But then, try to keep in mind that he could be took old for you. With that age difference you have different things in mind, and maybe you're not ready to go out with someone so much older than you.

    Good Luck!

  • Tim Bradshaw
    18 years ago

    his mother is just parinoid relax and go for it go with your feelings don't quit ever

  • alwaysremeniceus
    18 years ago

    hang in there, maybe talk with him and maybe you two can still stay together? if two people love eachother i think they should be able to stay together, age doesn't matter at all
    if you can i think you should try to talk to your parents about it or a few friends? then maybe after you and your boyfriend, possibly your parents too, can go talk to his mom together