Could poetry exist without love?

  • Bill Turner
    19 years ago

    Beauty can stand alone, independant of love.....I know many a beautiful woman but I don't love them. I think certain classical music pieces are beautiful, I just don't listen to it (Rock'n'Roll).
    So, yes, beauty itself can stand alone and stand the test of often inspires love and vice versa.

  • bianca
    19 years ago

    in my opinion nothing could exists with out love, because love forms the basis of all other emoition. but thats just my opinion.

  • Tara Kay
    19 years ago

    love is something all poems reflect, whether they are about love of someone, or even a depression poem about not loving yourself. So in my opinion, love is what makes us who we are.

  • Bill Turner
    19 years ago

    Well said Mr. Shank!

  • Nee
    19 years ago

    yeah why not?!

  • bri
    19 years ago

    yes but it would be bland

  • Gesselle Valle
    19 years ago

    I believe that love's all around us. It just never extints...sometimes it goes away for a while but it always comes back. With or without love...there will always be poetry: sad, dark, friendly...too many different feelings. But to answer your question: yes, poetry could exist without love.

  • AGirlWorthFightingFor
    19 years ago

    yes, it could exist. it would be shallow and unfulfilling for both reader and writer. but it would exist.

    beauty fades. poetry is supposed to last forever. beauty is also a lot more subjective than love. what is a beautiful rose to some is just a plant to others. but love is universal, and encompasses a lot more than just the good and beautiful. but also the harsh realities, suffering, poverty, that gives birth to poetry in the first place.

    but then, i don't like most poems about 'beauty.' except 'the carcas' by charles baudelaire. there are millions of poems about love that I love though.

  • Truest Lies
    19 years ago

    We would still have hurt, pride and fear...among other emotions.
    But without love, poetry, by far, would never be as beautiful.


  • JJ
    19 years ago

    *didn't read all the posts

    I believe poetry can exist without love. I find it tons easier to write when I'm sad.

  • Mona
    19 years ago

    Well. My answer. No I don't think poetry could exsist without love. You might say best poems are about hate and not being loved. But what's never loved can't be hated.

  • Jacklyn
    19 years ago

    all emotions are shown through poetry. i think it can exisit without one emotion but not without all emotions.

    that's all i got to say about that.


  • Simon Hayes
    19 years ago

    But where did the first poem come from? Sadness, joy, love, fear, death??? But yes poetry doesn't have to be about love, it can be anything ! :)

  • Ky
    19 years ago

    Poetry could definatly NOT exist without love! Sure you can write about anything but it still requires a passion for the art of it and you wouldn't have that without love. It's easy to think that you can have poems about anything but even poems about nature have to have love. Think about why would you write about something without having a love for it.

  • Lyla
    19 years ago

    It wouldnt exist without love cause you need a love of poetry to write. Not love between people

  • Tessa
    18 years ago

    You have to have love to even think about what to write. I mean... does any one on this site not love to write poetry??

  • Jacklyn
    18 years ago

    not everyone writes with love, i wouldn't say that everyone who writes poetry on this site loves to write poetry either. that's just your personal opinions. i love to write but certainly can't say that everyone on this site has the same loving passion. Some people just write poetry because they can, but that doesn’t mean they love it.

    happy holidays


  • Absinth Eyes
    18 years ago

    Poetry can (and often does) exist without love,

    for there is still pain and passion,

    confusion and revalation,

    truth and life...

    It goes on forever.

  • Shawna
    18 years ago

    No, actually, because without love, there would be no feellings, because every feeling that you have reflects on love.

  • lee
    18 years ago my opinion, it could

  • bivamp
    18 years ago

    i agree, without love nothing can fully survive. the most wonderful feeling in the world is love and everyone should experiance it.

  • bivamp
    18 years ago

    mr shank i so agree with you, poetry can exist without love. some of the most wonderful and moving poems have nothing to do with love.

  • Chris
    18 years ago

    Could poetry exist without love?

    Could poetry exist without emotions?

    This tells you that love is just one of the emotions that poetry feeds on.
    With "hate" and "envy" following close behind. :)

    18 years ago

    Ha good question.....

  • Darien
    18 years ago

    I agree as well..

    If love didn't exist, could we know hate?

  • Wings Of Flames
    18 years ago

    EVERY poem has the emotion love based around them
    Because everything we do leads back to love

    I dont write love poems

    but they all encase the fact that i care or that i love them or something like that

    so in answer no poetry couldnt exist without love...
    and neither could I

  • Aline
    18 years ago

    you could think that a song is nice, well played good music, but you cannot possibly say that this song is beautiful but i just dont listen to it. as for people, each and every person is nice but in order for it to be beautiful, it should be beautiful to your eyes, and when you're in love with a person, you will feel that it's like the most beautiful person ver despite the fact that it's not true. so no, beauty cannot stand without love

  • -Ghostship Fidelity-
    18 years ago

    I don't think so. Of course I don't think we could exist without love. Because for some of us it's the meaning of our being.


  • Synh
    18 years ago

    Poetry, in a way, begins with love whether it's about love to heartbreak to rage and vengence(sp). Sometihng had to being somewhere with love or else most things could never come to be. So do I tihnk poetry couldn't exist without love? Yes.

  • Twolz
    18 years ago

    No poetry would not exist without love but neather would life its self not this planet not your mom or your dad nothing because love is the reason for getting up and going to that job u hate or school every day and when we get where were going up in heaven god will show us all that love is the true reason for every thing so no it would not exist with out love.

  • Rican Chemistry
    18 years ago

    I think poetry comes from emotion... not necessarily love alone. Just a strong feeling. So if you are lets say sad, you can make that feeling into poetry... its all about the emotion behind it I think. So yes, poetry can exist without love. So beauty or poetry is in our own self... if one feels its beautiful then it is art, if one feels it is emotional then it is poetry... I dont know if you understand... but oh well...

  • Timeless Hopeful
    18 years ago

    Poetry can exist with or without love. But one constant should be there. Intelligence.

  • Timeless Hopeful
    18 years ago

    No it takes intelligence to write poetry, without some basic intelligence. No man can write, create and destroy.

    Intelligence in it's very existance, is something that is constant within us all.

    18 years ago

    poetry, in my opinion, is written from people's hearts, from deep within. Some people just simply don't feel love, maybe for a while, maybe for just at the time, so if they are anti-love then it is more than likely that they will not be writing a poem about it. If you skip around this site and look at a couple of the most known poets in here, you will find that most of their poems are about depression, family, friendship, nature. And yes, there are some about love, but there are a lot more in the sad poetry than there are in the love poetry.
    And, beauty can exist without love. They are 2 seperate things.
    -Jenna xo

  • Timeless Hopeful
    18 years ago

    Aria: Please read my post. I just said that poetry can exist as long as there is intelligence.

    That is all. We are not arguing, but I can see that you have heard of my apparent reputation.

    So again this is not arguing just replying.

  • Robert Gardiner
    18 years ago

    ^^ As John Keats said, ‘Beauty is truth, truth beauty, -- that is all ye know on earth, and all ye need to know.’

  • Timeless Hopeful
    18 years ago

    Truth is not beauty. If it was, many would accept it.

    18 years ago

    i wil surely say YES. love is not just defined to sexual love but it is there in all relationships.....whether love b/w parents and a child, brother, sister, flower, butterfly, earth and sky, romeo and juliet......etc.

    if a poet writes a poem on the beauty then also its his love towards the beauty........

    so i will say love is the essence of poetry...


  • lindzy
    18 years ago

    I think that poetry is a type of love whether its a love to express your feelings or just the love of hearing beauty. so no i dont think it could..

  • brianna
    18 years ago

    down to the very last need some way, shape or form