A Replacement for Janis

  • hayley williams
    20 years ago

    We are all from different parts of the world so we aim to reply with in 1 hour or your money back.
    In reply to the million of whiners asking where are my poems, the site is being updated, they havent been stolen or bootlegged. Ok over to you guys??

  • Timothy r
    20 years ago

    Please remember too include the name of every one of your poems that are missing, and we will ignore them like we do all the others. Thanx...

  • Sierra Rae
    20 years ago

    lol-hope this makes a few other freaked out ppl laugh-nice attitude towards everything...thanx!

  • hayley williams
    20 years ago

    Please can you try to calm this down a little, we arent fighters just lovers trying to make this site somewhere where people feel safe. I see myself as the John Walsh of poems and quotes.

  • Timothy r
    20 years ago

    Yeah Hayley..really!! I know when to take a hint..sheesh...

  • hayley williams
    20 years ago

    LOL I love the way im always Freddy Kreuger and you are always John Wayne. You are and always were incharge of this operation to make P&Q the safest joint in town not just another crack house.

  • Timothy r
    20 years ago

    yeah Janis, we thought we would all have a laugh here..we dont really ignore everyone,,just those besides us....lol

  • Gracie Jo
    20 years ago

    hey guys... sorry about my post about my missing poetry. i was just a little freaked out. haha. but yeah it's all good... good luck with finding out everything.


  • hayley williams
    20 years ago

    GK i dont actually believe we werent acting like a team in the first place, we were just offering help like you do yourself all the time sorry if you felt excluded but its not a childs playground

  • heather
    20 years ago

    hey ppl its ok i understand wuts going on ppl be patient they will be bac. wait thats not tmy job thats ur guys job lol. heather