Looking for friends

  • Tim Bradshaw
    19 years ago

    Anyone into sports and hanging out

  • Broken but Dead
    19 years ago

    Sports are awesome to play but not to watch (only hockey is good to watch)

  • Tim Bradshaw
    19 years ago

    very true i can't really get into soccer either but baseball i can watch because i played

  • Letty
    19 years ago

    I love football and basketball .

  • Truest Lies
    19 years ago

    I'm into dancing, which is more an art than a sport, but Celtic dancing is very athletic.
    I also like to hang out, but with only a few friends, and being pretty young I can't get out that much, but I still enjoy it very much whenever I do hang out.


  • Samantha
    19 years ago

    my friends and our boyfriends always come over and watch the football games over my house... it get pretty crazy... haha most of the time the girls lose track of the game and the boys are in the kitchen watchin the game with my dad and eating all of the food in my house..haha

  • Tim Bradshaw
    19 years ago

    yeah football is the best time for a party. All of the guys are together and the girls get to spend time with each other and their guys. Plus no other sport is really good for a party. Unless your team is in the championship