Please help me . . .

  • Once an Angel
    18 years ago

    I am going crazy right now and I don't know where else to turn. I am trying to quit cutting and I have stopped for about two weeks now, but it is the hardest thing I have ever done and I can't stand the withdrawl any longer! I want to cut so bad b/c everything is just sucking so bad right now. My family is falling apart, my friends are all having bad turns, I am doing badly in school, I lost my boyfriend, just nothing is going right. Basically no one knows that I am quitting b/c they think I already have, and so I have no one to talk to. I was at the store Christmas shopping today and I was so close to buying more knives. I was at the cash register and the woman rang up the knives, and everything and then at the last second I told her to take them off. I was going crazy and I really wanted them, b/c I throw out all my other ones and yeah. To top it off my little sister had emotional problems (literally) and for one reason or another, my parents refuse to talk her to a tharipst to get checked out and she is so hard to live with. She is violent, angry, aggressive, mean, snotty, just so hard to be around that it takes all my patience and yet she is in bad sorts herself. I am so worried that she will discover cutting and try it or that I will go find her in her room someday dead and it scares the crap out of me. I know I am complaining a lot, and I sorry for that. I am just at the end of my rope, and I already tied a knot at the end and I am hanging on, but my grip is slipping drastically. I just . . . I don't know anymore. I just don't know.

  • VioletRaven
    18 years ago

    Hey, It's ok to let all of this out. I know how hard this is. Try to take a deep breath and just think about what you are doing. Two weeks is a long time, and I know it seems now that you need it more than anything but if you resist think how much better it will be in the next two weeks. No more fresh cuts to hide, and you'll be stronger in the knowlege that you don't need it.
    I hope with all my heart that you can find within you the strength to resist, I feel for you.
    Be Strong!

  • Once an Angel
    18 years ago

    Thank you. Thanks a lot. That was really nice of you to say that. Huggles.

  • nobody truly knows me
    18 years ago

    please don't cut again. i know i don't have any room to talk though. i know how you feel. i just went for 3 weeks without cutting, but then i did yesterday. believe me, it makes you feel even more hopeless. um,anyways, why don't you go up to sister and tell her how you feel. chances are she needs someone to confide in.
    don't give up, stay strong

  • alwaysremeniceus
    18 years ago

    put it this way... if you did cut again.. and something happened, how would your sister feel? you wouldn't want her to remember having her sister suicide... hang in there?? things may look bad, but your famly, if not one of your friends might still talk to you?? or maybe talk to your ex, even though you two broke up it doesn't necessarily mean he can possibly not care at all... right??

  • Once an Angel
    18 years ago

    Naw, my ex. hates my guts because he is just a loser that way. Thanks for the advice though, I apreicate that.


  • unprotected lover
    18 years ago

    hun your afraid that your sister will discover it, but you are even farther down the road then that. Stop cutting, i dont have much room to talk mine just healed up. But i had to talk to everyone about you need to think about what got you started

  • Once an Angel
    18 years ago

    I don't know. I am just so built up right now and aching to release all of this pain. I just am so sick of it all, just want it to end sometimes.

  • Once an Angel
    18 years ago

    I'm sorry guys, I screwed up . . . almost three weeks of not cutting and I screwed up . . . sorry I let you guys down.

    -Tainted Mikochan

  • VioletRaven
    18 years ago

    I think it's harder on yourself than anyone else when you give in... don't be too detroyed about it, we all have our moments of weakness. You just gotta pick yourself up and start quitting again, it's all you can do.
    Here for you and if you need it email me. I know what it's like.

  • Once an Angel
    18 years ago

    I am such an idiot.

  • VioletRaven
    18 years ago

    Don't say that, maybe you feel that way, and I guess I would be saying that too, no edit that, I -was- saying the same a fortnight ago, so I know exactly how you feel.

    But remember, our weaknesses are what makes us human. You know how hard it is, and next time you will be stronger, until eventually, and it could take a lot of mishaps like this, but eventually you will be able to resist every time.

    Good luck, I know you can stay strong, you just need some more practice, as I and a whole lot of other people do.

    Support and admiration to everyone who is trying to quit, Good Luck everyone!


  • Once an Angel
    18 years ago

    Thank you raven, I still feel like crap, but it is nice to know that I am not the only one who has felt so because of cutting slips.
