question about

  • ღtheღcrunkღpirateღ
    18 years ago

    im looking after some fish and cats while some people up the road are on holiday... well i was looking after fish but they're both dead now... the first one died the day after they left so it obviously wasn't my fault..i feel so bad that the little kids are going to come back and they won't have any pets!! so i was wondering if fish can die of loneliness? if they do i won't feel so bad about the second one dying!!

  • Tammy
    18 years ago

    Wow! That bites. That's the kind of luck I would have.
    I wouldn't be too worried about it. The fish can easily be replaced. However, if their cats may have something to worry about. LOL
    As an animal lover, I have had MANY fish, you don't get close to your fish like you do a dog or cat. Just make sure you take extra special care of the cats.

    I wish you luck. Take care!

  • Jessica
    18 years ago

    Well poop on a stove top! That sucks! I'm sorry... but really.. dont feel bad.. EVERYTHING & EVERYONE has to die sometime... I believe in reincarnation... so yeah that fish is going to die and become something else... to really... its not REALLY dead... its still alive just not in fish form and it also doesnt remember... hAh i know fun stuff huh?! anyways... sorry i ramble a lot as you can tell
    love always,
    Jessica Jane
    -good luck for when those kids come back!

  • Unforgiven Retniap doolb
    18 years ago

    wow tht sux get them a new fish or something if you want it might make you and them feel better .....I recremend however to make sure those don't die