Registration Help

  • Sherry Lynn
    19 years ago

    My son is wanting to sign up for the site, but we are having problems with registration. I sent an email from the link that asks about problems registering, but I have heard nothing in return.

    We have not received the email to allow him to finish registering; what can we do so he can begin with his account?


  • Sherry Lynn
    19 years ago

    And the search continues... LOL


  • Truest Lies
    19 years ago

    did he do it with your e-mail address or his?
    I tried to make my sister's registration with my e-mail address and it didn't work.
    Hum...I don't really know anything else. I'm very sorry.
    I could try to make an account here, then e-mail you the code, that is, if the moderator approves, then your son can change the password.
