
  • Alixia
    18 years ago

    Why do some people get away with being fake?
    When people who are being real, are getting pooed on.
    I don't Understand.
    Maybe I am stupid, but I do not compehend.
    Doesn't It seem we breed people to hurt others.
    To try and hold others down.
    It gets hard to handle.
    It's ahrd to take.
    How can you live your life when everything around you is fake?

    Just A question.

    Love Alixia

  • alwaysremeniceus
    18 years ago

    pull what is more real closer... its not all fake.. some are real.. but very few things are... once you find them, don't let theme go...

  • VioletRaven
    18 years ago

    Be real to those who are real to you,
    Society does not like to accept people who are different, the only way to learn that is the hard way.
    I guess we all have to pretend sometimes, becuase it will break us to be ourselves and to be shunned for it.
    If you can be yourself and survive in this life you have found something very precious that most of us spend our lives searching for, if not then we have to put on the mask and say "I'm O.K."
    ...this is just what it seems to me, I'm not saying thats the way it is, but from my experience this is what I've learned.

  • Alixia
    18 years ago

    Thank you people who tried to help.
    I appreciate it.

    Love Alixia

  • Purple
    18 years ago

    People get away with being fake because people really don't want to know the real person everyone is. People are often fake to cope with their life. 'Real' people are getting pooed on because poeple don't want to accept them. We breed people to have a level where they accept people and a level where they reject people, not to be mean, just have standards.

    Try working on being real yourself, but at the same time hold on tite(sp) to any good thing you find. If you feel some thing happy embrace it but don't make yourself look like a hyper idoit whille doing so. If you enjoy life and are a fun person to be around people well tend to like you more and accept you more, you can still be unhappy, but forcus more on the happy. Like smile at your science teachures stupid joke and focus on how funny it is that it's soo crumy or laugh at yourself when you are apsent minded enough to close the door on your own hand (OW!). Hope I helped and that Annyles didn't scare you away.

  • AGirlWorthFightingFor
    18 years ago

    "Why do some people get away with being fake?"
    Because we only have friends that are as self-absorbed as we are, so that they don't bother to look deeper. then again, what is real? A well-rehearsed act will look very real.

    "When people who are being real, are getting pooed on."
    Are you being real or just mean? There's not always a difference. Actually, half of the time I hear someone complain that they are being discriminated against for "being real" they are being mean. The other half are just weird and difficult to understand by the majority of people.

    "I don't Understand."
    Do some research.

    "Maybe I am stupid, but I do not compehend."
    Or maybe this is a sign of some kind of higher intelligence.

    "Doesn't It seem we breed people to hurt others."
    Only if you're a redneck.

    "To try and hold others down."
    If you're into that sort of thing. Sorry, I had to go there.

    "It gets hard to handle."
    You don't have to.

    "It's ahrd to take."
    You shouldn't have to.

    "How can you live your life when everything around you is fake?"
    1) Conform, be fake too
    2) Piss off the fake people
    3) Fuhgettaboutit!

  • Purple
    18 years ago

    Wow... Sarcastic sounding and mean replys. I think that falls under her line of "Doesn't It seem we breed people to hurt others." only as examples. Seemed like you were trying to help, but couldn't help to be bitter while doing so. Pulled, isn't what she doing sort of research? I'm just a little annoyed by the replys this thread is getting.

  • AGirlWorthFightingFor
    18 years ago

    yeah, sarcasm, my defense mechanism.

    I wasn't really being mean when I said, "Do some research." actually all but the first two answers, I was just playing around with words and such. I mean, since they weren't actually questions, I didn't think they'd need be replied to too seriously. you disagreed.

    then again, that first answer really may just apply to small percentage of people.

    The first two answers, and the last solution though, that's me being real. not sarcastic.

    The main point I was really tryin to make is when dealing with fake people just try not to take it so personal. People will live their lives as they see fit, and you can't stop that. All you can do is recognize the fake people when you see them and hopefully not be suckered in yourself.

  • AGirlWorthFightingFor
    18 years ago

    ruby - fake is a term I reserve only for people who fall into the 'cruel.' the chesire cats who smile to your face but stab you in the back. the con-artists, the manipulators. I maintain that this world is not cruel. There are just a few anamolies of assholes.

    posers, popular people, well, that's relative. In some way, everyone is some what of a 'poser' off everyone else, or several different things. it's much more innocent and normal than some make it out to be.

  • alwaysremeniceus
    18 years ago

    people try to be fake to fit in?
    i don't try to be fake infront of anyone...
    not for my boyfriend...(he won't do the same unless he has to for business) not for my friends( a reason why i don't have many)x.x.. or classmates (many don't like me)

    so... i don't fit in... but i know those who are around me are true to me...