Bloody... Please Help Me

  • VioletRaven
    18 years ago

    Wow, I never realised that other people did that too!
    Um, well I can't acctually help that much cause I have a similar habit and it's one I find hard to break.
    I tried to wear nailvarnish and pick that off instead, which can really annoy people but it's better than chewing/ripping at your cuticles.
    I hope that helped a bit, at least you know your not alone.

  • Cut~Up~Angel
    18 years ago

    Yeh i have the same problem.. I bite all my nails, cuticles and skin at the tops of the fingers until they look a mess.. i also bite all the insides of my lips and mouth.

    One think i tried that didnt work for me but may work for others was to constantly have something in the mouth... Polo's, gum, chewy mints... whateva you like.

    It might work *shrugs* I hope it does.

    I wonder why sooo many peoples have a perty similar habit.. i do it because its kinda comforting and helps me calm down if im upset, angry, nervous etc.

    Hmmmm.. why do yooos all do it?

    Kate x~X~x

  • Michael D Nalley
    18 years ago

    I bit my nails until my teeth made it impossible If you try all the suggestions above and fail, try a simple form of self hypnosis repeat with confidence a suggestion that you will not bite your nails over and over An intelligent girl like you could master hypnosis cybernetics and discover the power of suggestion in no time.

    please be careful.. a reprogramed apathic soul with beautiful nails could be dangerous

  • Purple
    18 years ago

    Woah, I didn't know this could be such a big proablem! My friend said that she likes biting the skinn off of her fingers a little bit ago, at the time I was sorta feeling like "big deal I do that to keep mine from looking bad". Now I'm like "What? It can get THAT bad? Oh shibbys!" She even said she liked the pain and she started off her sentance with "I'm not a cutter but..."

    Man, her fingures look fine atleast, I mean she has disgustingly long discolored nails (eew...) but besides her nails I haven't really looked at her fingers. Should I do anything to like stop this habit of her from becoming super bad, or just hope she can keep it at a low level or quit by herself? And she's soo innocent too, she's even got herself an over protective dad.

  • Purple
    18 years ago

    Thanky! I think she just didn't want me to worry. She's the only girl in her family. Her family is her, her dad, and her brother. I don't think she has a proablem with attentoin, in fact she likes being alone. She proably picked out her actoins as being weird, related them to a stress thing the school did resently, and figured that she should tell some one about this weird habit she had... Make sense? I'm good at over reacting. Thank you, thank you, thank you!

  • VioletRaven
    18 years ago

    Isn't anything that you do to deliberately hurt yourself self harm?
    I don't know. If you bite your cuticles and pick them till they bleed and bite your lips until they are ragged, dig your nails into your arms so they bleed, scratch yourself, use a knife... where did it become self harm? I guess thats a question I will always be looking to answer.
    If anyone can explain it to me I would be grateful. I feel very naive about this, yet should I should know.