Is this my computer or the site???

  • Void
    19 years ago

    Well, I don't know what's going on, but recently I have been having ALOT of trouble trying to leave comments and votes on people's poetry. I mean, I have read some fantastic pieces and I just wanted to tell the writers what I thought, but everytime I tried to - I would get signed out! I'd have to resign in, find the poem and try again...But Even trying again, I would be signed out again. My internet options are set to medium already, and apperantly that's suppose to be good enough. Is there something else I need to fix? Is it happening to anyone else? Is it the site? Please help! I'm so frusterated! :(

  • Italian Stallion
    19 years ago

    This happens to alot of people, what you have to do is sign back in then hit backspace...and it will bring you right back to the poem that you read.


  • Void
    19 years ago

    Hey, I just tried that out and all it does is take me back to the poem, but signs me back out... Sure it takes me back to the poem or the profile that I was signed out on, but pressing 'Back' only takes me back to when I was signed out... Thanks for trying though, I appreciate it. I'm sure I'll figure it out - or atleast I hope.

  • Italian Stallion
    19 years ago

    No no no, If you are reading a poem on someones profile, and you are signed out. Then over on the right sign in and wait till it signs you in to your profile, Then hit backspace on the keyboard...It should bring you back to the poem that you where reading or the profile signed in so that you can comment.


  • Void
    19 years ago

    lol I know what you're saying... But it's not working. Every profile I check, signs me out. And when it doesn't sign me out at the page of someones profile, it signs me out at the page of their poem... I've just tried your method once again, and it doesn't work. It brings me back to that page, but I'm just signed out again.

  • Italian Stallion
    19 years ago

    hrmmm, that is weird works everytime for me...I don't know what to tell you. Maybe save the page in your Favorites and then sign back in and goto your Favorites...I don't know you can try that tell me if it works...Thanks


  • Void
    19 years ago

    *sigh* unfortunately, it doesn't work. Thanks for trying though. I really appreciate all of your help.

  • Chris Engle
    19 years ago

    try enabling cookies on your web browser, if they are disabled, it will not keep you signed in from page to page.

    just a thought.


  • Void
    19 years ago

    It's happening in all poems. And it did something way worse yesterday, I couldn't even get into my poems. Everytime I tried to get to them the page would load and say 'you have to be a member' or whatever (I was somewhat frusterated, remembering what it said wasn't really important to me at the time)... But umm, I think it's got something to do with my computer, I may have a virus - at random times during the day or night while I'm using it, it just kicks off into standby and you have to wait atleast 10 minutes before you have any chance at turning it back on... *sigh* Thanks for all your help, but I'm afraid there's no winning...YET! (My puter is messing with the wrong -stubborn- person on this one ;) ) Anywho, I best be off. Happy holidays to all! Thanks again!