Odd Holiday Behavior

  • EoB
    18 years ago

    I have experienced this, though not too often,and my smiles have often been bitter-sweet, as I have found that I have missed and lost many things that I could have now.

    Oh, but I have no need to be told that life is beautiful,dear Sunny, for I strongly believe that it is, even though it does not always seem that way.

    When things do not fully go my way, I believe that life is like an enclouded sky, behind which the sun shines forever bright.

    Like today.

    I am 19 years old, and will sadly spend this Christmas mostly alone.

  • Michael D Nalley
    18 years ago

    Christmas is for me that one time of the year my spirit focuses on the forgiving childlike joyful innocence far from the reach of unforgiving sorrowful guilt.’ Poetic justice’ seems to yield to His infinite mercy, and the naughty sometimes receive gifts as well as the nice. The gift of the joy of giving is received by any who will accept. The wise men or magi must have experience this joy fit for a king

    In this time where kings have been reduced to fables it is also refreshing to see the weakness of pride lifted to the strength of humility. And we can rediscover the joy of innocence.

    The story I would like to share is that on my dining table are cookies baked shaped like Santa Claus. They where baked by someone who has in the past been guilty of antisocial behavior. She really seemed to enjoy working on these cookies too I believe there is innocence in all of us. And even the most guilty can be redeemed by accepting a special gift

  • Michael D Nalley
    18 years ago

    Christmas also seems to be that time of the year when even those who claim to be
    ‘Anti-Christ’ seem to see the ‘heavenly body’ that leads wise men towards heavenly peace. The rules of society have changed only slightly since the magi sought the King that would also be known as the prince of peace. I would like to point out that the message of that holy night has survived two millenniums, though many wish to block it from many mediums. Sadly religion was one of the first mediums to attempt to erase the message of peace by condemning the messenger to death, the messenger that I believe is a divine member of the Trinity, that in unity is the mystery of God. If I am breaking the rules of this forum by speaking poetically I apologized to those who misunderstand me.
    It only goes to show the corruption in a world that seems to want to rewrite history in the year of our Lord 2005.to be politically correct. Our poetic license has been seemingly revoked I consider that odd behavior. I would like to share more of my feelings about the innocence lost by sharing my story that I call the 'angel and the outlaw'. This morning I was visited by a ghost from ‘Christmas past’. You would not believe the whole story. The outlaw named Angel interrupted my heavenly slumber this morning, and my reaction was less than heavenly. My anger stemmed from the belief that I was being conned by the outlaw angel. When I refused to lone her money for the items she said she needed to attend her families celebration of the season, she became so irate that I ask her to leave. I begged her not to force me to call the law. She dialed 911 and handed the phone to me. I told the dispatcher that my unwelcome guest had called her and she should make her complaint, when the officer arrived she was gone. I told him what had happened and the only explanation I could give him for her odd behavior was that she was crazy I thank all of you whom took time to read this. This is the oddest Christmas I have had so far,

    PS Angel was not aressted in spite of her efforts her mind is not right but I believe the Balance of The Heart, Soul & Mind" reflects the humanness of us all, and the Divine Redemption, which frees us from ourselves.

  • Jacklyn
    18 years ago

    i have this one family friend and i've known him ALL my life. we normally don't exchange christmas gifts either, or birthday. my birthday is dec 26 though and he got me something. it was a notebook and every page had a topic that i had to write about. he spent so much time into it, it was so cool. i almost cried.


  • EoB
    18 years ago

    happy birthday Jacklyn=)