Does poetry always make sense?

  • Dark Kitten
    19 years ago

    Well, poetry is just like an inkblot picture. Alot of people can view it in alot of different ways. And sometimes the meaning of the poem is hidden really well. Poems aren't meant to make sense, they are just meant to make people think. Like a good riddle!

    Also, on the comment about poems having to rhyme. My god people! Poetry does not have to rhyme! Infact, there are alot of good poets that do not even have a rhyming word in any of their poems. I just wish people could see that and take note to try and come up with a poem like that of their own.

  • Wasted Fake Smiles
    19 years ago

    sometimes poetry makes sence..but then sumtimes it duznt...

    like if ur writing a poem sayin that ur dead...well obviously u arent dead or else u coodnt have written it.

    it pretty much depends on wat ur writing about tho.

    ~*Who Cares?*~

  • TinyDancer46
    19 years ago

    Sometimes the poems only make sense to the person writing it.... and many people read it and none of them understand. But then another person comes along, whose going through the same thing, and that poem makes perfect sense to them.

  • HansRik
    19 years ago

    There are certain types of poetry, which though they seem coherent, are pure nonsense. This type of poetry tries to get some point across, usually that confusion results as part of something, etc. Thus, not all poetry must be sensical.

  • bonnie
    19 years ago

    i personally prefer poetry that doesnt make complete sense, i find it more satisfying to have to spend more time to think about it and try to understand,most of peoms i write dont make sense....but they do to me. also people can relate better to non-sensical poems, because they can relate to them in a very general way, it all depends on the perception and imagination of the person reading the to how they understand it.

    in fact im not even sure if that comment makes sense lol!

  • Vic
    19 years ago

    well... poems aren't supposed to make sense to everyone i suppose. if it's like a personal poem, it would only make sense to you and to ppl with similar experiences. your emotions just add to the taste of the poem. and i never edit... i keep it the way it is the time i was writing it, so i know the state of mind i was in. every poem should be attached to a memory.. no matter how much it doesn't make sense.

  • ashley
    19 years ago

    i agree with you poerty is about one's feeling and thoughts,Even if you don't get it or like it .It has a good story or meaning to that person who wrote it and maybe in stead of picking on the poem not being good help the person bring out that felling in a way that you can understand and like or enjoy.

  • *.*Sympothetic*heart*.*
    19 years ago

    what they said is true but some isn't it doesn't matter who reads it or who wants to it's the person who writes it a hiku is a poem it doesn't ryme a poem can be a rap a song all of them are a part of it beause words ryme and well the thing is is that most people think well it has to some songs don't either is just how you write it well here is one of my hikus that a poet wrote

    Damn thee, vile haiku

    Syllabic ineptitude,
    poetry's cheap whore.
    by jamie larkin

    i have met her and i am alll about poems. i have looked into them alot trust me on this
    there not all are supposed to make sence there there so most people look at there own mind they want people to think and well some you have to read alot. some don't it depends on how the writer wants it to be

  • Cassie Cain
    17 years ago

    The way i see it poetry makes sence to no one but the writer.

  • claire
    17 years ago

    Me 2, about the whole choppy and editing later thing. also, when a story is complex, it can be hard to fit into one good poem. thus, some of my poetry doesnt make any sense if you aren't a part of what its about.

  • bleeding limegrenn
    17 years ago

    Poetry comes from the soul unless you do invisone or feel what you writing your not true so it comes from the soul your soul cound be confused so no poems sometimes dont make sence to you but to the person who worte them it does

  • Broken Saint
    17 years ago

    I think it depends on the way you interpret it..


  • bRiNgMeToLiFe
    17 years ago

    Not always. sometimes only to the least thats what i think...

  • Fluffy
    17 years ago

    Every poem makes sense. It's a question of whether there was a point to it.
