high school friendships and any frendships

  • Manders
    20 years ago

    See I have a hard time trusting people or getting close to people because I have been hurt one to many times.. In highschool almost every friend I had at one point would back stab me for something.. You get sick of it after a certain point..

    I don't trust anyone anymore.. I go by first impressions.. and if you give me a bad one.. I don't even want to know you..

    It's sad that you have to go through life like this.. But friends come and go.. you will only find the odd few that are worth holding on to...

    I hipe you find someone tha is willing to stick by you as you will stick by them..

  • red red rose
    17 years ago

    This happes to me alot and i wish we dident have to go through this. why cant people just like you for what you are? its terrible that we have to live in a place that hates us for just being us...

  • red red rose
    17 years ago

    This happes to me alot and i wish we dident have to go through this. why cant people just like you for what you are? its terrible that we have to live in a place that hates us for just being us...