*< Deadly Angel >*
18 years ago
Okay.. I am not going to sit here and critisize you like some people do & I am going to sit here and tell you that your dumb for thinking the way you do.. because you arent. I feel the same way u do. All my so called "friends" are good are sports, and everything. I am not good at anything besides drawing pretty little designs on my wrists. I am not saying that cutting is the answer.. because its not.. but just find someone you can talk too.. i would like to talk to somone who understands me.. so if u want to ever email me my email is: xox__broken__love___xox@hotmail.com |
18 years ago
Once an Angel
18 years ago
Hunny I love ya okay, just so you know. Sometimes talents aren't as aparent as others. I know I felt completely useless cuz I didn't have a talent that I could show off to others, so I tried everything possible to try and get a talent but I wasn't really great at anything I tried, I was okay at some and bad at others, but not good enough for it to be a talent. Then I found mine and realized mine was different. My talent is not something I can stand up on a stage and perform but it is an amazing talent all the same. God, or whatever higher being you believe gave me the gift to understand people to help them and to be able to love them when others can't. I am not boasting or bragging at all, if you feel like getting to know me you would see that this is true. And that is one of the reasons why I am not this site. I have seem it all, and been through most if it myself, so I get it and I wanna help people. I bet you have a really good talent that is hidden or one still waiting to be discovered, maybe you just aren't looking for it with the right eyes. I hope I was helpful, talk to me if you need more help hun, I am here for ya, and I am not just saying that. (Not that I am acusing anyone else of just sayin that either.) |