JJ`s biggest problem

  • EoB
    18 years ago

    I decided I wanted to check out JJ`s poems, but the search-box won`t let me. The search needs more than 4 letters:P

    How unfair=)


    Guess I`ll have to find her poems in another way...I think I need to rest before I embark on this tremendous task!

  • Angie
    18 years ago

    Hey EOB, in case you haven't found JJ yet, here is the link for her poems....


  • JJ
    18 years ago

    *breaths a huge sigh of relief* I thought I'd done something wrong. I was just preparing myself to come in here and say "whatever it is I didn't do it!" I'm so glad this is the problem!!! thanks for scaring me

  • Cueball24
    18 years ago

    AHHHHHHHHHH!! Oh wait. It's just Bob. There's nothing scary about him. Btw I like noodles.

  • Jacklyn
    18 years ago

    you could have found her poems by clicking on her name from one of the discussions too...


  • HansRik
    18 years ago

    I just ate vegetable curry with my flatmates. Sorry, Anthony inspired me to write something random.

  • Cueball24
    18 years ago

    And now this is where I write something random: I'm getting married soon....to a beautiful woman....and she's HOTT....oh and I'm not gay. Because I'm marrying a woman....got it? Thank you all for listening and Bob Shank....you WON'T be getting an invite.

  • EoB
    18 years ago

    Despite the fact that I am not known to be rather intelligent, I found another way to JJ`s problems...

    and I enjoy scaring people:P

  • Sherry Lynn
    18 years ago

    Thanks EOB for bringing this to light. I will kepp this information in mind so if I ever need to find someone like JJ I will know what the problem is.

    By the way I am glad that you have chosen to check out JJ's writings. She is indeed very talented and a great inspiration for all writers.


  • EoB
    18 years ago

    I am perfectly aware of that...

    and I don`t hate you either:P

  • Sherry Lynn
    18 years ago

    LOL EOB but you wouldn't if I was a mod huh ...

    You know I am just joking.....


  • Cueball24
    18 years ago

    Due to lack of excitement in here....I'm now going to sing Black Coffin from my garge band Blood Mayhem.