rhyming poems...

  • Steven Beesley
    18 years ago

    Depends on what mood I'm in.

  • EoB
    18 years ago

    I think I myself am better at writing rhyming poems, but I find tremendous beauty in both. As Steven says, it depends on the mood

  • Robert Gardiner
    18 years ago

    I am a fan of rhyming poems myself. I think rhyming can help with rhythm and flow, help to establish and keep a rhythm and flow. And I think, also, a rhythmic, well rhymed poem should be somewhat predictable, wherein, say, the reader expects to hear a rhyme at a certain point as per the rhythm, flow, of the poem. That being said there are some that rhyme badly, force it, where it no longer lends itself well to the flow, but instead, makes it seem stale and uninteresting, with a childish, sophomoric, rhyme style. But when one masters the art of rhyming and rhyming well, it can be exquisite, eloquent, and enthrallingly enchanting and can leave you exhilarated and extolled by its epithets of assonance. I can easily be entranced by the harmonic flow of a rhythmic, well rhymed poem and like them the best, but not all poets can effectively and artfully assonance.

  • HansRik
    18 years ago

    It always depends. Some scholars have defined poetry, true poetry, as a text which has a clear structure and a rhyme scheme. If you write without these characteristics, they would argue, you might as well write prose for the same purpose. Then again, that is the opinion of some.

    In the end, it is up to one. I prefer rhyming when it is done efficiently, because it shows mastery of the language, but, most of the times, non rhyming poems are more efficient if a similar effect is achieved. I think one of the main differences between good prose and poetry is the efficiency of the use of sound techniques which is more present in the latter. Of course, modern poems do not follow this necessarily, and are still quite well written, but I have seen many a poem in free verse which would have been much better in prose.

  • Lyla
    18 years ago

    did someone just say free verse poetry was scribbles!? some of the best poems have no rhyme scheme to them!

  • martha shaw
    18 years ago

    it just depends on the writer
    but people have different styles
    just like what they wear
    i rhyme in my poems
    but i have a couple that i don't

    18 years ago

    I don't have a preference when it comes to rhyming or free verse. It doesn't really matter as long as the poem flows well.

  • lisa marie
    18 years ago

    i don't really pay attention to rhyming anymore. although i like to slip couplets in every now and then. but when i read poems i don't even look for rhymes. i look at the structure/style, meaning, and the way someone can put an idea together. i really like metaphoric poems.

  • Fay
    18 years ago

    Im into rhyming poems as well but i guess it does depend on what mood your in and plus sometimes when u go to write a poem it doesnt turn into a rhyming one, so it all depends ;)

  • jess
    18 years ago

    i think rhyming poems have a better flow, but i also think non-rhyming poems are great if they are written correctly.
    love jess XXX

  • Rican Chemistry
    18 years ago

    I think that rhyming is the core of a poem...but not always sometimes the words itself like the beauty of the words make them poetic...but I love rhymes...

  • LostHopesCrimsonTears
    18 years ago

    rhyming, but i have found a few that didnt that i still enjoyed

  • Ashleigh Skye
    18 years ago

    normally I like to read and write rhyming poems.. although there are some exceptions to that rule, I just feel that an unrhyimg poem is not really a poem unless it is really good.. now I know that is totally false so dont bother arguing it with me but thats just personal beliefs

  • Ariana
    18 years ago

    I *mostly* write none-rhyming poems. I find myself always needing to reduce what words I can use if I write a rhyming piece, and then I can't even get out what I'm wanting to say. I don't like having to conform to the particular structure of the rhyme.

  • Nee
    18 years ago

    I'd like to say that I tried to write un-rhyming poems but I sadly Failed!!!
    I hate the way I try to focus on the rhyme but I sometimes find myself writing and the rhyme comes directly without any focus!

    and my opinion of the other poems:: I adore inside-rhyming poems!! which make you feel the rhyme from inside..they're really gr8!!!

  • Lost Soul 691
    18 years ago

    I find that writing non-rhyming poetry expresses my emotions better, but I enjoy both. A lot of rhyming poems can seem forced, but a good one is a joy to find!

  • Free Spirit
    18 years ago

    One of the best poems that ever do exist are the ones that are from the heart, the ones from when you are feeling blue or have this feeling which helps you express the flow of your poetry, it's not about rhyming or not rhyming, because it's about the poetry it's self, there are so many types of poetry out there, that you can not specifically say that i think the ones without the rhymes are better cause the ones with the rhymes are too predictable or easy that's absolutely not true. Many poems that do rhyme have this sort of flow that makes the reader more interested in reading it but that all dependson the poem. It's about the quality of the poem not the quantity of rhymes it has, because there are many poems who don't have rhymes yet are the deepest in sending the message.

  • Ashleigh Moore
    18 years ago

    i feel that sometimes with rhytming poems it can be too easy to concentrate on fitting in a word that rhymes rather than sticking to the topic of the poems

  • The Angel of Secrets
    18 years ago

    Rhyming often makes the flow a lot easier, but I agree, its not good to be taken by the whole "have to be a rhyme" thing. That just sounds to forced and the poem is ruined.
    I like poems rhyming or non-rhyming, it doesn't matter as long as its good.

  • piglet911
    18 years ago

    rhyming poems are ok but i personally like poems with feeling and personality they dont necessarily have to rhyme to be good poems

  • Jessica
    18 years ago

    i prefer rhyming poems, although i cant write them.. hehe, but as long as the descriptions and the flow is good it doesn't really matter, its just a bonus.. :)

    o, and laura, just wonderin? did you know that typing in all caps is actually yelling? just wondering.. :)

  • sfiawong
    18 years ago

    That is up to those poets who like to do most, some of the poetry must be using rhymes if written fix for a song, otherwise it is not neccessary to do so.

    I prefer to write it as guide the reader into a movie show. The reader can enjoy to see a picture is casted in front of ones eyes. I like and enjoy this most myself if I can write in often.

  • Christie
    18 years ago

    all my poems rhyme, and i find it hard to get into poems that don't. thats just me tho.