I used to be friends with this gurl......

  • vishesh
    18 years ago

    but now i told her i like her and shes doesn't talk to me no more and i wanna be friends with her again what should i do

  • GoodMorning
    18 years ago

    uh, this happened to me, too...


    in 6th grade >.< lol...

    i'm not exactly sure what to tell you...i mean, the guy and i never really talked again....and now, he's an arrogant jerk, so i'm kind of glad he didn't like me all those years ago....

    i dunno, you'll eventually stop thinking about her so much, and only have the occassional memory or two...and you'll think of how it could have turned out differently, or how things'll change, and how they might, just MIGHT come back...but it won't hurt so much...the pain'll dull...

    that's how it is with me, anyways....your situation may be totally different o_o

    sorry i'm no help....i wish you the best of luck, man =)

  • .:Nat:.
    18 years ago

    Tell her that you can't help with your feelings, and if she wants to remain friends, that would be ok. If she was a really good mate she would accept that.

    If not, I'll try and help more.

  • ღ*KiM*ღ
    18 years ago

    Well you could write her a note, "Can we be friends? Tick box ...." Lol no I don't know.

    18 years ago

    Well if you really feel down because of this, get in touch and try meet up.

  • Georgi
    18 years ago

    help with anything :)
    love always

  • Angie
    18 years ago

    Try and talk to her straight up, and tell her that you'd like to be friends with her again. She probably just feels a little weirded rigth now. But don't worry she'll come around. Anyway hope everything works out. Take care =D

  • Allison
    18 years ago

    Try talking to her and telling her you want to be friends again. I think if you do she'll see that you care about her and come around. Hope I was some help.


  • ---AL---
    18 years ago

    okay here is what you do fly to the moon and get some cheese when you realize that was utterly pointless, you can meet up with her and tell that you just want to be friends, and that she doesn't need to avoid you...and ask her if she doesn't want to be friends to tell you now, instead of bullshiting you...and if she is your friend after the fact, share the moon cheese!!