18 years ago
Okeh well there is this guy in my class and i really really like him and thing is i'm not sure he likes me.
I sometimes think he does but then i keep doubting myself because i might be getting my hopes up for no reason.
He was in my class for like 3 years in a row now and before he was always loud and he'd act around me normally like himself like he always was with other girls but somehow now its different
He never talks to me anymore not because he hates me but i just dont know he wont talk to me unless i say something first which im too scared to do..
But now all of a sudden hes like really nice to my friends and stuff..if his friends are making fun of my friends he'll try hard not to laugh at it and not to be part of the joke..and like if his friends knock down my friends book for a joke he'll like pick them up for her and be all nice and stuff... and also if i like talk to other guys and stuff or someone says i like somebody in the class he'd like be very much into his work and act like he doesent care but he changes.. a lot
and the other day i was passing by cause i forgot my book and i he was drinking from his water bottle and i passed by and he stopped for like a second and looked at me cause he thought i was going to say something but i didnt so then he just continued on with what he was doing then.. and stuff.. && his friend one of his best friends...he always like looks at me and stuff and i dont know why like if im walking down the hall or something his friend would always look at me or if were switching classes and stuff...its weird.
I dont know he is just very different when it comes to me and im not sure why..i used to think it was cause one of my friends used to have a crush on him but now i know it isnt because he acts normal around my other friends who are also friends with the friend who had a crush on him. SOOOO for some reason hes just different..
My gut kinda says he likes me but i just cant trust my gut im too scared to be wrong :(