Cute little pick up line..

  • Lenny
    19 years ago

    Ok its pretty corny but it was cute when he said it. And I went out with him so hey it must be good. The line is: "I know that you like me, no reason to lie, but you wont ask me out, and I dont know why"
    On second thoughts it is cheesy but not as cheesy as "I lost my teddy bear, will you sleep with me?"

    Ok now I think everyone should list corny pick up lines..

  • Tim Bradshaw
    19 years ago

    You know what would look good on you? Me

    hahaha so corny

  • Tim Bradshaw
    19 years ago

    Do you have a Bandaid? Cuz I just scraped my knee falling for you.

    another one

  • Tim Bradshaw
    19 years ago

    i bet you $40 dollars that your going to turn me down

  • Lenny
    19 years ago


  • Lenny
    19 years ago

    Pick up lines are funny.

  • Let Me Be Your Happily Ever After
    19 years ago

    i'ev lost my phone number can i have yours.

    and then this one is just funny

    lets play pearl harbour, you lie on your back and ill blow the hell out of you. hehe

  • Let Me Be Your Happily Ever After
    19 years ago

    i'ev lost my phone number can i have yours.

    and then this one is just funny

    lets play pearl harbour, you lie on your back and ill blow the hell out of you. hehe

  • melinda
    19 years ago

    damn girl arnt you tierd? because youve been runniing though my head all ay smack someone if they said that to me!!

  • backporchpoet
    19 years ago

    Standing next to someone, "If you were a pirate, would you wear your parrot on this shoulder-" Tap closer shoulder, "Or this one?" tap othe shoulder, lean in closer and leave arm across them (like the classic movie theater move.)

    Maybe you had to be there. My friend showed us and we about died laughing!

  • AGirlWorthFightingFor
    19 years ago

    -Did it hurt?
    -When you fell from heaven.

    So old, so lame,

    a guy actually said this to me!


  • Void
    19 years ago

    well this ones not corny, nor cheesy nor sweet at all... just plain bad, but funny :p

    "baby did you fart, because you blow me away!"

  • Ele
    19 years ago

    hee hee, good reply

    "if i could rearange the alphabet i'd put u and i together"

  • xx5OUL
    19 years ago

    if you were a booger, i'd pick you first :)

    charming in that ironic sort of way

    orange daisy

  • Ele
    19 years ago

    hi, my names fred flinstone and im gonna make your bed rock

  • Chelsey
    19 years ago

    "damn girl are you a cigarette cause I'm addicted"


  • like_it_dirty
    19 years ago

    "Did you get your pants from outter space because you're out of this world?"
    Haha my friend said that the other day to me at lunch being stupid. That start a long conversation about pick up lines! haha cYa ~D~

  • squirttt
    19 years ago

    lol i need my bf to come look at these lines and have him say them to me so i can like laugh my ass off at him.

  • obsessedgurl
    19 years ago

    "What's your name? Or can I just call you mine??"

  • squirttt
    19 years ago

    lol that one is cute!

    Apart from being sexy, what do you do for a living?

    Damn girl, you have more curves than a race track

    Excuse me. I'm from the FBI, the Fine Body Investigators, and I'm going to have to ask you to assume the position.

    Gee, that's a nice set of legs, what time do they open?

    I've got the ship, you've got the harbor ... what say we tie up for the night?

    I've just moved you to the top of my 'to do' list.

    If you don't wanna have kids with me, then why don't we just practice?

    Screw me if I am wrong, but haven't we met before?

    lol i love pick up lines. they're hilarious

  • squirttt
    19 years ago

    i know milk does the body good, but damn! how much did you drink?

  • TK
    19 years ago

    is there a mirror in your pocket? cuz i can see myself in your pants

  • Gentry
    19 years ago

    Lets commit the perfect crime I steal your heart and you steal mine!!

  • Ele
    19 years ago

    if i could rearrange the alphabet i'd put u and i together

    19 years ago



  • avery
    19 years ago

    You: Hey baby, how about a pizza or a f*ck?
    Them: Ew, sicko.
    You: What?! You don't like pizza?

  • Krysten
    19 years ago

    I almost fell loff the table i was setting on and he said "i wont let you fall" then caught me and said "expect in love with me"

  • Natalie84
    19 years ago

    "I lost my teddy bear, will you sleep with me?"
    HAHAHAHAHAHAHA That's classic....FUNNY!

  • Natalie84
    19 years ago

    "How much does a penguin weigh?"
    "How much?"
    "Enough to break the ice."


  • Pilar
    19 years ago

    LOOL this pick up lines r soo funny

  • daniel
    19 years ago

    OK no joke I really said this to a girl, but she was a friend of mine, but she still hit me, "If I told you that you had a nice body, would you hold it against me?"

  • Becky
    19 years ago

    i have had alot of guys use alot of pick up lines on me but this one striked me as sweet yet stupid

    "did it hurt when you fell from heaven, cuz you look like an angel"

  • Gwen
    19 years ago

    there this dude who come up to my cousin & say

    " U look tasty, yum, can I lick U? " then she throw a rock at his head ^_^

  • -Ghostship Fidelity-
    19 years ago


    Do you have a mirror in your pocket? (Why?) 'Cause I could see myself in your pants.


    i'm so using some of these for a joke sometime.


  • Jaime
    19 years ago

    "If I asked you to sleep with me, would you answer the same way you are going to answer this question?"

  • Rosie
    19 years ago

    Guy: How do you like your eggs in the morning?
    Girl: Unfertilized.

  • Kac
    19 years ago

    Guy:Whats your favorite letter in the alphabet?
    Guy:Well mines u

    I've heard this one to many times... its cute but soooooo cheesy

  • Gwen
    19 years ago

    a friend of my told me this two pick up line.

    "Hey baby. Can I pee in you?"

    "Hey baby, you watch hentai? Cause you're makin my tentacle twitch!"

    they're soooo disgusting.

  • XxCount bodies like sheep to the rhythm of a war drumxX
    19 years ago

    I once heard a friend of mine say

    "Your so sweet I get a cavity just thinking about you"

    it might not be that corny but its still...blah

  • xmauix
    19 years ago

    do you have kryptonite in your diet? cuz everytime im around you im weak.