Really Outraged Here...

  • Timothy r
    20 years ago

    Hey everyone, This has indeed been one hell of a night. first of all, there is some jerk o-- commenting on ppl`s poems and even deleting some too,I was hit by it as well as someof my good friends and also some very good poets on here, causing one to leave our site. I don`t know about you guys, but there has to be something done to stop it. This jerk o-- is causing big misunderstandings and I f I ever catch who is doing it, I will make it a point to cause great pain in their lives...we have to get Janis to make comments be like they are in discussion cannot comment unless you are logged in..anybody with me?

  • PnQ Mod Account
    20 years ago

    I'm with ya totally, Tim! A person should have to be logged in to be able to comment.

  • Sierra Rae
    20 years ago

    Andrea i think you were 3rd and I 4th that one...we need that now more than ever

  • Ş∂ņďħy∂
    20 years ago

    I too agree to this idea.... Only users can comment or vote.

  • ~* Joyful *~
    20 years ago

    Deleting there poems? is that even possible if they dont know your password?

  • Michelle
    20 years ago

    I think its a great idea to have to be logged in to leave a comment..with that all the way...and soooo soooo sorry to see Chris go!!! :( :(..hope you come back eventually Chris and in the meantime, take care..Michelle..and Craig too..

  • Kristina K
    20 years ago

    -[ Edited Out; Author Left ]-

  • Timothy r
    20 years ago

    I am trying to agree with you here , Elisabeth, I really The reason I get pi$$ed is because even though I have said in the past that poems shouldn`t be rated, it does bother me if no one likes it, and I am not ashamed to admit it. We all write our poems with our hearts and minds, how can anyone rate our feelings, you know?

  • Sierra Rae
    20 years ago

    I think it's good that our poems get rated. If it's a poem that you worked extra hard on or are very self conscience about what others will think that you probably don't need to post it here. We just have to remember that not everyone thinks like you do or likes the same stuff you do. You also have to remember that a 1 or 2 or 3 aren't bad, that just means that maybe you can improve a little or that it is something that only you can understand. The poem of mine that I think is the best actually has the lowest rating, but I only think it is the best because of the context. Well just try to stay postitive about it Tim.

    and I kinda agree that you should have to be signed in to rate and comment, but if anyone has their mind set on rating us bad than they are going to make a screen name anyway. It's not like it's a very long process or anything. Oh well, it's really a big dillemma...but everything will work out in the end. Everyone keep spreading smiles by voting well and leaving good comments, now more than ever. Keep smiling!!!

  • Timothy r
    20 years ago

    Thanx for your words of encouragement Sierra, I am keepimg my head high, but you should of been here in October of `03, this site was so respectful, everyone got along and no one was creating havoc in here like now, it is very disheartening at times, but I am not going anywhere either, together we can make it great again, don`t you think?

  • Kayla Sonya Dearing
    20 years ago

    Hey Tim, I'll help you cause him great pain! Anyone that messes with poetry I DON'T GIVE A SHIT WHO THEY ARE I'LL HURT THEM!!!!!!!!!! Sorry for the cuss word. I just get soooooo pissed off when people mess with poetry. Because poetry is one of the most beautiful things in the world. So I'm with ya tim.

  • Kayla Sonya Dearing
    20 years ago

    Hey Tim, I'll help you cause him great pain! Anyone that messes with poetry I DON'T GIVE A SHIT WHO THEY ARE I'LL HURT THEM!!!!!!!!!! Sorry for the cuss word. I just get soooooo pissed off when people mess with poetry. Because poetry is one of the most beautiful things in the world. So I'm with ya tim.

  • David
    20 years ago


  • Timothy r
    20 years ago

    I agree totaly said exactly what im thinking too..