We Need Suggestions...READ ME!! YOU KNOW YOU WANT TO!!! COMEONE.

  • Sierra Rae
    20 years ago

    OKay...I think we have all agreed that we need to do something about the rudeness and disrespect before this site really goes down the drain. I know that we can pull through it, but we need patience and understanding with all of the members. OKay, so let's have this organized and everyone tell what they think we should do to tighten the security and make the site a better place.

  • Sierra Rae
    20 years ago

    I for one, think we need only members to be able to comment and even to rate. That would take out the "post-ghosts" and the "1-droppers".

    Then, I think that not only should it be members only commenting on the forum boards, but I think that it should be members only READING the boards.

    OKay...so now everyone else??

  • Sean Allen
    20 years ago

    woah you guys are sorta freaking me out. first of all, joining and becoming a member is free, and can be done over and over again. Therefore someone could just join and drop 1's anyway. Secondly, people who don't want to join because it takes time, but want to comment and vote should be able to in my opinion. Several of my friends don't want to join because they don't write poetry, but they like voting and writing comments.

  • Sean Allen
    20 years ago

    yeah, i'm worried that a mod might be the reason for some of the screwing around...

  • Sierra Rae
    20 years ago

    ya...and where are all the mods right now anywayz...haven't heard from them very much lately...what's going on here?

  • Ş∂ņďħy∂
    20 years ago

    Sparkenbroke, sombody was deleting sierra's poems and renaming it. That too many times... And if we were disscussing about it...they were striking with ones. So many people had problems on that particular day. Thats why seirra spoke like that. Some nonmember..or somebody who was behaving like that left a lot of insulting comments for many people. IT had crossed the limits. I guess you weren't here last week. I agree that.. the idea of members only voting and commenting is not a solution. Sean has a good point over there.

  • Kristina K
    20 years ago

    Yeah well, whatever you guys come up with, I'm sure it will be great. Meanwhile, I think I'm going to take a break from this site. All the best you guys, and thank you for everything.