Since no one looked on the last one.

  • Jesse Ray
    18 years ago

    I'm looking for a shakespearean sonnet that goes like this:

    "Yet I fear that, which I cannot control,
    For such radiance hath driven me blind.
    Hers is a power which enslaves the soul,
    While her fragrance can befuddle the mind."

    I remembered finding this sonnet in this site.
    Can someone please help me out?

  • Blaine
    18 years ago

    "I remember the first day I saw you What is the force, within my heart, that stirs, Seething with power that can move the stars? Though I seek to resist, still it endures, Its strength renewed by endless reservoiurs. For god, in his ceasless wisdom and grace, Hath crafted perfection into his art. I have looked upon her glorious face, and she in return hath captured my heart. Yet I fear that, whitch i cannot control, For such radiance hath driven me blind. Hers is a power whitch enslaves the soul, While her fragrence can befuddle the mind. Like feathers adrift in the sky above, WE are swept away in the arms of love"

    Only place i found it was at