Ok, lets find things to do in a movie theater!

    18 years ago

    For a scary Movie.
    Scream at the really calm parts and start shouting dont go in there, then when the scary parts come and everyone is holding their tounge say this is crap and start booing and blaok the screen thingy with your hand XD

  • Cassandra
    18 years ago

    take a water gun and squirt the people who are talking

  • xDryTearsx
    18 years ago

    Start laughing histerically for no reason.

    Throw popcorn at people and when they look to see who threw it point to the person next to you.


    Love Always

  • Unforgiven Retniap doolb
    18 years ago

    Sit down in a row and "save" 9 or 10 seats for your friends.........your imaginary friends!

  • Purple
    18 years ago

    Run up to people you don't know during a scary movie, attempt to scare them. If you're unsuccessfull try to hugg them saying "Don't you remember me? I'm your long lost sister/brother!"
    Do this during the calm parts

    Repeatedly spill your soda/popcorn switch seats each time and demand a free refill.

    Go in front of the screen and dance at the really important/dramatic parts after yelling "I could entertain you better!"

  • just PeAcHeY
    18 years ago

    In a childs movie, suddenly jump up and run to the front of the room screening at the top of your lungs "their after me"

  • Ele
    18 years ago

    talk really loud about things people dont wanna know about like your period or pooping or something then we you see people whispering yell at them for being so inconsiderate and ruining the movie for people with their talking. ive done that sooo many times

  • Ele
    18 years ago

    or... say really loud to the person next to you 'oh i know what happens here...' then say somethings gonna happen even if you dont know just so people think you've ruined it for them and if they yell at you for ruinin it you can have a go at them afterwards for falsely accusing you when the film doesnt end like you said it would

  • Gentry
    18 years ago

    For no reason at all turn around and yell REALLY loud: STOP THROWING SKITTLES!! I do that everytime!!

  • xDryTearsx
    18 years ago

    Sit next to someone you dont know and be like i love this part!!!!
    or did you see that!!!!

  • Cut~Up~Angel
    18 years ago

    Go into a children's movie and half way through the film get up and leave really mad shouting "this is boring no one has died yet!"

    Set out a picnic complete with basket and foodin the middle of the walkway during the film

    hmmm i canne think of anymore

  • Nici
    18 years ago

    During the intermission start doing forward rolls down the aisle, shouting weeeeeeeeeeeee as you go! Suddenly get up, run to the toilets acting embarrased, saying I didn't mean to wet myself!

    When the adverts come on cheer, clap sing along, pretend you're at a Boy/Girl Scout camp around the campfire. When the movie starts continue singing anyway, occasionaly(sp?) commenting on how boring the film is.

    Sit in the front row, so everyone can see you. When the film starts stand up, run a few rows back, throw some popcorn at the seat you were seating in. Then run back to your seat, pretend the popcorn hit you, turn around and start shouting at the people behind you for throwing food.

    Ah, that will do for now!

  • Riffy
    18 years ago

    Throw popcorn in the air (Or infront of you) and scream"It's snowing!!"

    Stick your feet up on the seat infront of you and start talking on your mobile real loud.

    During a scary movie, laugh just after everyone has finished screaming (Funny reactions from people)

    Can't think of any more....

  • Kevin
    18 years ago

    Bring a fart machine and at the quiet parts in the movie make it fart so that everyone can hear it and then yell : Opps I leaked. lmao

  • DBM
    18 years ago

    Go to a comedy, or childrens movie, and right when the movie starts, and the actors/characters start talking, get up and start yelling "The voices! Oh my god, the voices! My psychiatrist said they would go away!" Then, sit back down, and during every pause after dialogue, either moan or whimper, or some other pathetic noise.

    Also, (and this is really fun to do with a girlfriend/boyfriend) go to an animated film and sit in the far back. About a quarter through the movie, have one of you shout out. "Oh, this is making me so hot!" Proceed in making out, extremely noisily, with much slurping and moaning.

  • AGirlWorthFightingFor
    18 years ago

    Whatever you do, don't do what Paul Reubens did.

  • JL
    18 years ago

    Go (to a horror film) with a friend you kind of look lyke and wear identical outfits. then in a tense part both stand up & scream "OMG I JUST SAW MY GHOST!!!"

    Go to a Harry Potter movie, and ask everyone around you where Gandalf, Frodo, etc are.

    At either Lord of the Rings, Star Wars, or Harry Potter, imitate a convo between Gollum, Yoda, and Doby

    ^ i did that with my 2 friends it was so much fun

    Station friends around the theater and have them come up to you one by one, then run away yelling "they're after me!! Help!!"

    Dress two friends up like Cops and have them chase you yelling "Come back! Come Back! she/he stole my donut!"

    im out for now

  • Afraid of the Dark
    18 years ago

    The laughing thing. . . . I just can't take horrors seriously. . . I was hiding my face to STOP laughing. . . . once i had to go out to calm down lol

  • ---AL---
    18 years ago

    Set up a tent infront of the theatre...

    Take your pants off, walk infront of the theatre and ask everyone if they seen your pants...

    Go to where the projector is (if you can reach it, in my theater you can) and make little shadow figures on the screen...I suggest a cute little bunny...

    Rat people out for bringing in food from another store...

    Blurt random stuff out like "OMG, Where's Batman?"

    Ask the guy infront of you if you can use his head as a foot rest...be very persistant about it too...

    Play Laser tag

    if someone is making out, or cuddling real close, stick your head between them and say something stupid like boo! or have you seen my cheese?

    bring a pair of underwear and throw them in a crowd of people...

    go to a movie you seen before and ruin the ending...

    Go into a random theatre, set up an alarm clock and then leave...

    Write a message on the floor with your pop corn...

    I'm sure i can think of more, my mind is a very devious tool...Except I wouldn't do 90% of these since most of these are disrespectful...
    TTFN your friend ---AL---

  • Georgi
    18 years ago

    you and ur friend sit at opposite sides of the movie theatre and go see a scary movie, on the calm bits go "MOOOO HAHAHAHAHHAHA" from one end, so ur friend on the other end can reply with "NO! IM DYING, HE'S GONNA GET ME"


    go with ur friend to the movies, sit right in the middle and on the quiet bits have a convo with urself tht goes like this

    "Pass the popcorn me"
    "Ok Georgi ill pass u the popcorn"
    "NOOOO we are Megan today remember?"


  • megan
    18 years ago

    memories!!! lol!
    also, you could go up to a random person half way through the movie and ask them to take you to the bathroom because your mummy is asleep

  • ~Fallen Angel~
    18 years ago

    Watch the first show of a new movie than ask out loud questions like
    Why is he doing that
    Who killed her
    Are they gonna lose
    Where are they going..................

  • ~Fallen Angel~
    18 years ago

    Or you can sit far apart from a friend and shouting a conversation to them. When someone tell you to stop say something to your friend like "This guy I'm sitting by is so rude....."

  • Namida
    18 years ago

    hmmm ok!

    ~sit at the most back row in a long movieand bring a load of paper airplanes (or paper to make airplanes) and throw them every five minutes. when ppl look back at u, whistle(sp?) and pertend u did nothing

    ~ in a comedy, when everyone is laughing, scream ur head off and say "omg this is sooooooo scary!! AAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!"

    ~ask sto0pid questions to a random person like "wait whats this movie called again" or "who is that guy? he isnt the main character is he?" when its the main character

    ~hyperventalate(breathe rapidly) in a horror movie when its a calm part

    ~in a random movie (not chronicles of narnia) when a person or somthing comes up that is important yell "Aslan!! oh aslan you have finally come!!" w/ a dreamy expression

    ~have your frend call you in the middle of a movie w/ ur phone on its most annoying/ corny ring tone and fumble to get your phone and right when its about 2 b ur meseege pick up and say "OMG really? oohhh ppl r staring at me right now disrespectfully so ill call u bak at a not important part of the movie k? bi bob"

    ~ get chewing gum and chew loudly and pop loud bubbles during the movie

    ~bring a recorder or a fluteaphone and try to play along w/ the main theme

    ~when they have the commercial parts at the begining (like the pepsi ads and stuff) say loudly " ooohh i LOVE this part!! " then 2 the person nex to u "its so exciting!!"

    ~get a loud alarm clock that ticks (like a bomb) and put it under a random seat and then leave
    (this is VERY risky.. should not do...)

    ~take 2 redvines, stick them up ur nose and (like good burger xcept w/ redvines) say to the person nex to u "look at me!! im an elephant"

    I have more but thats enough... lol :D

  • Namida
    18 years ago

    wow i had alot....

    i had another 1!!

    ~stick gum on the seat next to you that is the same color as the seat


    ~put superglue or crazy glue on the seat next to you or the armrest :D

    ill think of more!!

    ~chocolate luv~

  • Namida
    18 years ago

    or 2... :D *grins*

    i got kinda carried away!! wooopsies

    ~chocolate luv~

  • Michelle
    18 years ago

    Go to the movies with a friend/boy friend/girl friend...then, take your soda with you... make sure to tell your friend loudly: "I gotta go to the bathroom I will be back...and act like it was an accident, and spill soda on the person's hair in the row infront of you...and say... "OPPS... i'm sorry."

  • Michelle
    18 years ago

    Go to the refreshment thing and say: "I can't find my mom... have you seen her?" And, act serious, even tho, it's a joke..

  • Michelle
    18 years ago

    Put chocolate in the seat next to you...

  • Michelle
    18 years ago

    Or spill some of your soda on purpose in the seat next to you.... lol

  • Michelle
    18 years ago

    Think of something sad, during a funny movie, then start crying, and see if anyone asks you what's wrong... haha...

  • Michelle
    18 years ago

    Take your cell phone and set the arm clock, and have it go off at full volume... and anyone looks at you, just say...or... take a pager, and have someone page you... haha..


  • -Ghostship Fidelity-
    18 years ago

    Sit in the back with your girlfriend/boyfriend and at the quiet parts grip the seat tight and moan and say your really horny (kind of squirm in your seat like you can't handle it).

    Actually, this could be done anywhere in the theater, ^_^.


  • Namida
    18 years ago

    |||| FUNNI!!! loL

    ~Chocolate Luv~

  • Namida
    18 years ago

    ooohhh..if u a gurl say this to an old lady (like OLLDD) and ask her for a tampon and say u dont have xtra change(u kno wat i mean ladies) in the beginnig of the movie...

    GUYS-ask some lady (ANY lady) for a pad 4 ur gurl friend at the middle of the movie(any time works)

  • WakeboardxChick
    18 years ago

    when theres a funny part and everyone is laughing say "SHHHH! SHHH! Its not funny! stop laughing" (me and my friends do that)

    bring a large hat or wig such as an afro and wear it only at the important parts of the movie

    take a large cooler that says human head in and "protect" it from your neighbors

    have a friend sit a couple rows away from you and play catch with a rubber chicken

    ask your neighbors if your feet smell bad and start to take off your shoes

    get a couple life size cut outs of people and position them in the seats next to you

    at parts of the movie where something cool happens such as someone flys or something explain that its not real that its just hollywood magic

    i think im done for now
    buh byes

  • xox kate xox
    18 years ago

    take yur imaginery friend.... make sure they have their own seat, popcorn etc etc use yur imagination....

    kate x