Challange for CC&P And EOP

  • Steven Beesley
    18 years ago

    Thank you for your invite but the members of CC&P would decline your kind invitation at this time as we have other challenges and projects on our hands.

  • PnQ Mod Account
    18 years ago

    so how is this going to work now that there is just one group in the challenge?

    Two poems from the one group?

  • Natalie84
    18 years ago

    Awesome write guys!

  • PnQ Mod Account
    18 years ago

    Oh wow… I think I have the hardest part of this challenge!

    Those are two great poems!

    Comments on the collab poem:

    It is amazing how well the stanzas from different people flow together. I know first hand how hard it is to make a collaboration poem seem like it’s written by one person. You all did excellent!

    My one little nitpick is that the stanzas by Jacklyn and JJ do not match the rhyme scheme that the others set forth. They still flow well, though and fit with the overall theme of the poem.

    I also think you should have made each stanza look the same (some have each line capitalized, some have none…)

    Comments on Nada’s poem:

    I was so looking forward to there being two different poems so you’d have to combine themes, but this was a very nice response to the first poem.

    I do like the story, but one thing confuses me… is “he” a werewolf or a vampire?

    There are a couple places where it seems like words are missing and the rhythm is kind of haphazard (short lines, long lines, no set pattern).

    Very good work on both poems!

    I’m going to have to go with the EoP collaboration.

  • Amanda Bee
    18 years ago

    Congratulations EOP!!! (Even though CC&P is better :p hee, hee )

    Nice work Nada!

  • Taylor Anderson
    18 years ago

    Guys, listen to me next time!! lol I told you the rhymes were wrong...