Any.. Aussies?

  • Mark
    18 years ago

    Hellooo any Aussie's here? :P

    Just bored and yeah.. lol

  • Mark
    18 years ago

    Oh.. lol.. so that was YOU who was watching me..

    lol I'm banned from Chat :(

    18 years ago

    Allot of people are getting banned. hmm.. Jay, You and brenda..

  • GoodMorning
    18 years ago


    the all sweet Kristen.

    18 years ago

    -stomps foot with Kristen-ness-

    ness-Kristen..I wuv you.

  • BeeBeeGun
    18 years ago

    hey hey hey
    im an aussie

    :) thought id let you know

  • Natalie
    18 years ago

    Im aussie =] lol

  • Nick P
    18 years ago

    I'm an Aussie

    Good to see that we are everywhere...

    Sorta like roaches.. in a good way of course!

  • GoodMorning
    18 years ago


    i never thought roaches to be a good thing. o_o

    how about you guys are more liiiiiike *thinks* ....pop-tarts! yes, yes. Mark, you are -my- pop-tart! haha..

    ok, i'm an extreme retard who makes no sense, i know. =/

    Nick, you can just ignore me.

    Mark, Kristen, and Lisa however, have to put up with my retardedness. hahaha...

    i love you guys.

    and i need you. because i'm sitting here making a complete fool out of myself. all alone.


    *waddles away sadly*

    *kicks a pop-tart that's laying on the ground*

    *eats another one*

  • Mark
    18 years ago

    aww Brittnay!! -bear hugs- I love you too! we'll be crazy together!

    -eats a pop-tart- ok um -rolls down a hill- YAY!

  • GoodMorning
    18 years ago

    =O you...just ate a pop-tart. that makes you a canibal! AHHHH! cause you -are- a poop-tart. i said so in my last post. lol...

    and yeah. o_o

    hmm. oh well. *runs screaming and rolls down the hill with you*

  • s h e l l
    18 years ago

    Im Aussie =]
    go the aussies we rock:) hehe
    love shell

    18 years ago

    Imma Lisa =/
    We not everywhere!?

  • GoodMorning
    18 years ago

    but that's GOOD. cause that means you be unique! and i love unique!

    so yesh. i love you my unique Lisa!

  • GoodMorning
    18 years ago

    you areeeee...


    *takes the poop-tart out of your hand and eats it*

    oh! i got it!

    you're a...

    *dramatic pause*

    crap, i forgot.


    oh, and T.U.B., i started the friendspace for you again. and lost it. AGAIN. =(

  • GoodMorning
    18 years ago

    BOOM shakka LAKKA lakka BOOM.

    don't ask. lmao..

    i said that to my brother today. he was in the sunroom thingy mabobb and i came back there all fast. and said "Boom shakka lakka lakka boom."


    it was fun.

    and fine. take the friggin pop-tart. i have a whole stash! *sticks tongue out*

    i you didn't hear that! i didn't say it!

    you're a...T.U.B.! =)