Banning from Chat is permanant?

  • Mark
    18 years ago

    Um, I ws banned for using offensive language.. how many others get banned for that? A lot? Most likely but lets see.. There is ALWAYS going to be someone using offensive language, putting people down and Moderators won't always be there to catch them.. and banning me from the Chat is just restricting me from talking to many friends which is so stupid

  • Mark
    18 years ago

    Sunny: No, Yahoo is gay. It messed up my comp.

    And Tal, that was just stupid.

  • swill
    18 years ago

    Okay this is related to banning but not to Mark's case so....

    I got banned from the chatroom too, by Vito.

    [edited out details, no one else needs to know them] (Ann Marie)

    he didnt say anything...just banned me.
    i dont know why he did that....i cant even reach he cos he doesnt have any poems here on this site so no way of finding his profile and sending him a personal mssg to apologise for something i didnt even do wrong in.


  • PnQ Mod Account
    18 years ago

    Dhaval, I suggest you email Janis with the story. Do not post it anywhere else on this forum, please.

    Janis' email:

  • Timeless Hopeful
    18 years ago


    I went chatting yesterday, and I found that my I.Q shot down a few points. I think it is for those who know each other already, and not for chat room newbies.

    I want it shut down...

    But then you always have to strive to get what you want...Lol.

  • swill
    18 years ago

    hey okay ann marie...